Discernment is an outcome of critical thinking, according to Proverbs 14.8. Actually, I become more self-aware by thinking critically. Thus, critical thinkers are self-discerning.
Become Self-discerning
Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness. In fact, before I can be socially aware I must be self-aware.
Interestingly, Proverbs 14.8 defines self-awareness.
As such, the verse says it’s discernment from critical thinking.
In contrast, Proverbs 14.8 says the foolishly overconfident are self-deceived. Why? Because they lack discernment.
Basically, I become more self-discerning by reflection. Thus, it’s thinking critically about myself.
Additionally, Proverbs 14.15 says critical thinkers are discerning because they’re not shallow-minded.
What’s A Critical Thinker
So, critical thinking builds self-awareness. Also, it brings discernment. Here, I’m translating the Hebrew word arum as critical thinking.
Actually, that Hebrew word is translated by various English words. For instance, prudent and careful. Also sensible in different translations.
Therefore, critical thinking drives behavior that’s wise and foresighted. Also, practical and reasoned.
Hence, critical thinkers are self-discerning.
Leadership Insight
Now, why did I say that? Or, why did I do that? And, what was I thinking? Also, what was my motive?
Do you, as a leader, ask yourself these questions?
Because these questions build self-awareness. And, this self-reflection helps a leader avoid foolish overconfidence.
As leaders, we think we’re rational. Moreover, we believe we’re always driven by logic and good motives!
Unfortunately, leaders are often guided by what worked in the past.
Unfortunately, we’re driven by biases that are hidden to us. But, they aren’t hidden to others!
Thus, auto-pilot decision making leaves the leader open to criticism. In fact, the criticism includes “you always” or “you never.”
Worse yet, subordinates ask the following. Why doesn’t the leader see how situations vary?
Follow the Rules!
Are you like Gibbs on NCIS who has a rule, or two – some with the same number, for every situation?
So what’s the problem? Fact is, rules cannot cover every situation.
Instead, it’s better to lead by values. That said, it’s not good when I fail to discern cases that don’t match prior experiences.
Don’t misunderstand, I’m not talking about ignoring policy.
Also, I’m not excusing abuse of power.
Influential leaders break the decision mode of one-size-fits-all answers!
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In short, I’m asking leaders to practice fairness and justice. Why? Because those outcomes demand critical thinking. Also, they require sound values. And, self awareness.
Therefore, impactful leaders recognize that critical thinkers are self-discerning.
What do you think? Send me a comment: larrydaleyoung@gmail.com