In Proverbs 14.8, I learn that wisdom builds self-awareness. And, critical thinking helps it happen. Thus, the precepts build self-awareness.

Critical thinking makes me self-aware. Conversely, fools are self-deceived. Proverbs 14.8 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

For starters, applying the precepts into my life changes me from the inside out.

In fact, one outcome of that inner change is self-awareness, Proverbs 14.8.

In turn, self-awareness precedes self-control.

As a result, self-awareness provides insight. Then, that insight lets me grow.

Next, I understand more fully. And, I respond more appropriately to situations. Thus, inner change yields outer changes.

Critical Thinking

Moreover, I’m more self-aware because of thinking critically, Proverbs 14.8.

Similarly, critical thinking gives foresight, Proverbs 22.3.

Also, critical thinking fights shallowness, Proverbs 14.15.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 14.15 as used in the post: The Precepts Build Self-awareness

Build Self-awareness

Therefore, there’s a lot in Proverbs 14.8!

In short, here’s the process:

1). First, I choose to grow. That is, both personally and professionally.

2). Then, I choose the precepts to guide my growth. Actually, the precepts are found in Proverbs.

3). Next, I think critically by soaking-up those precepts. How so? Basically, by comparing myself to the precepts.

4). Finally, critical thinking builds self-awareness.

Hence, the precepts build self-awareness because they serve as my yardstick. Thankfully, that awareness helps me grow.

Conversely, I can be foolishly over-confident. As such, I lack self-awareness. Instead, I remain self-deceived because I refuse to learn.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Self-awareness and self-control are critical leadership traits. Likewise, a lack of emotional intelligence hinders leadership growth.

Apply This Today!

Remember, critical thinking through self-evaluation is hard work!

In addition, changing how I think and act is also hard!

Unfortunately, my option is to remain self-deceived.

However, choosing the wisdom in Proverbs starts me down the right path. But, I must make that choice.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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