Proverbs 22.3 says critical thinking brings foresight. As such, foresight helps me side-step problems. Unfortunately, ignoring warnings leads to problems.

Critical thinkers act with foresight, thus avoiding many problems. Proverbs 22.3 (27.12) paraphrase

The Precept Explained

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Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

Foresight helps me “see around corners,” Proverbs 22.3.

In fact, that precept is repeated in Proverbs 27.12.

Moreover, foresight comes from a decision process that’s careful, deliberative, and rational.

Thus, I don’t act on impulse. And, I avoid deciding based on what feels good!

Additionally, that decision process is aware of what I’m feeling. Also, I’m sensitive to past insights. And, I’m aware of experiences.

Thus, the value of self-awareness as part of a decision process.

To Consider

Interestingly, the Hebrew word that’s translated “foresee” is also translated “consider.” Hence, foresight stems from careful consideration.

For example, in Proverbs 6.6 we’re told to learn from nature.

Solomon himself learned through observation. Also, from careful consideration, Ecclesiastes 4.4.

As such, he learned from life experiences. How? By paying attention to events, Ecclesiastes 7.14. Most especially, to difficult situations.

Finally, he formed conclusions using perception. And, also foresight, Ecclesiastes 3.22.

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Therefore, to exercise foresight, I carefully consider what’s in front of me. Then, I form appropriate conclusions.

In short, I must be willing to think. And, I must look deeply into what’s in front of me. Then, I decide which items are, and are not, of importance. As a result, I put together some possible steps forward.

Remember, foresight often involves planning. As well, it asks me to consider what could likely happen. At that point, I can start putting together responses to the possible events.

Apply this Today!

Critical thinking brings foresight. However, I must be willing to think critically! Unfortunately, that takes time and effort.

I side-step lots of problems by being prudent. Thus, wise, circumspect, and foresighted. In other words, by thinking critically.

Then, I combine critical thinking with decisiveness. As a result, I build leadership impact.

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