The language of faith includes terms like eternal life. This lesson series examines characteristics of God in relation to those terms. Above all else, I enjoy hope knowing that God welcomes me to my eternal home.

Proverbs for Professionals image of a small, country church in the post: God Welcomes Me to My Eternal Home

Key Passage: Revelation 21.1-7

John describes the final judgment in Revelation Chapter 20. Then, he describes heaven in Revelation Chapter Chapter 21.

Heaven is the place for:

First, the water of life, REV 21.6, and REV 22.1.

Second, the book of life, REV 20.12 and REV 21.27.

Third, the tree of life, REV 2.7, 22.2 and REV 22.17.

Actually, we first read about the tree of life in Genesis 2.9 and Genesis 3.22.

Repeatedly, the voice of God speaks to John, and to us, from heaven. For examples, read REV 1.10, 4.1, 21.3, and 21.5.

Also, in heaven, we hear angels singing, REV 5.11-12.

Thus, heaven is the place where an eternal God welcomes me to my eternal home.

Well done, faithful servant. your faithfulness in the least has brought you rule over much. Matthew 25.21 paraphrase

Some Insights

In heaven, there are no tears, REV 21.4 because the reasons for tears no longer exist. Some of those reasons are listed in REV 21.4: death, sorrow, and pain.

Those things are gone!

Where did those things come from? They came from sin entering the world.

Instead, all things have been made new, REV 21.5 because of repentance and restoration.

John was instructed to write down all this.

Spiritual Desire

How do I get to partake of the water of life? I must have a deep desire for spiritual truth!

With well water you get thirsty again. However, spiritual water brings eternal life! John 4.13-14 paraphrase

Conversely, if there’s no thirst for the spiritual, there’s no need for God to provide spiritual water to me!

See John 4.13-14 and John 7.37-39 for Christ’s word picture of the spiritual water that is freely available to everyone.

If you’re spiritually thirsty, come and drink because faith brings living water through the Holy Spirit. John 7.37-39 paraphrase

Apply These Precepts

God welcomes me to my eternal home.

As a result, I enjoy the tree of life and the water of life because my name is written in the book of life!

Conversely, unbelievers will enjoy none of those eternal benefits. See REV 21.8 to better understand this.

“The Lord make his face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

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