In 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 Paul offers proof of Christ’s resurrection. Next, he discusses the importance of Christ’s resurrection, in 1 COR 15.12-34. Finally, he describes what resurrection is like, 15.35-58. However, this post focuses on the importance of resurrection.

Proverbs for Professionals image of sun and clouds as used in the post: Importance of Resurrection

Key Passage: 1 Corinthians 15.12-34

For proof that Christ died and was resurrected, the Apostle Paul said “according to the scriptures,” 1 Corinthians 15.3-4. Paul then listed several appearances that Christ made after His resurrection in 1 COR 15.5-8.

Why is the resurrection important?

If there’s no resurrection, then our faith is empty, 1 COR 15.13-14.

Worse yet, all preaching is simply lying, 1 COR 15.15.

But it gets worse!

If there’s no resurrection, we’re still living in our sins, 1 COR 15.16-17. Thus, we’re not saved.

Finally, if there’s no resurrection, being a Christian is a most miserable life, 1 COR 15.18-19. Paul argued that believers should be pitied more than anyone else!

Conversely, Paul reasoned that Christ was “now risen from the dead,” 1 COR 15.20. Thus, resurrection is truth to be discerned.

All believers will be transformed. We will be called up to eternal life by the last trumpet! 1 COR 15.51-52 paraphrase

Some Insights

Moreover, Paul compared Christ to the offering of First Fruits, 1 COR 15.20. That’s the offering that was brought by the Jews on the Sunday (“day after the sabbath”) that followed the observance of Passover.

As background, read Leviticus 23.10-14. It describes the offering of a lamb as part of First Fruits.

Therefore, the observance of Passover and First Fruits by the Jews foreshadowed Christ death and resurrection.

Fact is, the sin of Adam brought death into the world, 1 COR 15.21-22. However, Christ is the First Fruits, the down-payment or proof, of the resurrection to come for all believers!

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First Fruits speaks to the importance of resurrection.

Apply These Precepts

In the future, resurrection will destroy the “last enemy” – death itself, 1 COR 15.26. See also Revelation 21.4 “there will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying, or pain …”

Wherefore, wake up! Watch how you live, 1 COR 15.33-34, because your life as a believer is a testimony.

As such, an impactful testimony is evidence of the importance of resurrection.

“The Lord make His face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

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