Proverbs 2.5 is the “Then” of the preceding “If” statements. In this case, the outcome is discernment in regard to reverence. As such, experiential insight brings discernment.
Absorbing the precepts and building experiential insight allows me to discern reverence. Proverbs 2.5 paraphrase
The Precept Explained
Three “ifs” and one “then.” That’s the pattern of reasoning in Proverbs 2.1-5.
First, I’m a learner, Proverbs 2.1.
Second, I wholeheartedly seek wisdom and insight, Proverbs 2.2.
Third, knowledge and insight, Proverbs 2.3, become of ultimate value to me, Proverbs 2.4.
As a result, I discern reverence and come to know God more deeply, Proverbs 2.5.
In other words, a heart desire to grow wisdom, Proverbs 2.1-2, produces in me experiential insights, Proverbs 2.2-3.
Then, growth and insight are the building blocks for a spiritually-discerning character, Proverbs 2.5.
In short, experiential insight brings discernment!
Learning from Experience
So, be a learner and learn from experience.
Basically, this is simply being told what to do.
Next, learn from experience by reflecting on those experiences. Unfortunately, that requires me to stop and think. Ugh!
Hence, I take responsibility for the outcomes in my life by being proactive.
In addition, being proactive involves taking a hard look at what I value. As a result, I should be much better grounded in what’s ultimately valuable to me.
Wisdom building isn’t about head knowledge or native intelligence. Remember, it’s not about me!
Apply this Today!
The first thing I should discern is my standing before God. Hence, reverence is the first of all first principles.
Therefore, wisdom building is inherently spiritual.
Unfortunately, what I know is temporal according to First Corinthians 13.8. So, I must adjust my perspective and value system accordingly.
However, who I know can be eternal. Hence, the wisdom that discerns reverence by bringing me to God has a remarkable return on investment!
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