The essential teachings of Proverbs are packed in Proverbs 22.17-21. Thus, we can see Proverbs in five verses of scripture! Grasp these essential teachings to become fluent in the precepts.

The Essentials

Graphic with the heading "Studies in Proverbs" as used in the post Proverbs in Five Verses!

The essential teachings of Proverbs are packed together into five verses, Proverbs 22.17-21.

As such, those five verses are clearly a single conversation between two or more people. Moreover, one of them is senior and serving in the role of a mentor.

Ok, what are those essential teachings for being wise hearted and living a balanced life?

The Precepts

1). Be a learner. Proverbs 22.17 The mentor says “listen…apply.” Thus, be humble enough to accept correction.

2). Focus on character transformation Proverbs 22.17 Then, the mentor says “apply your heart.” So, it’s not about head knowledge or native intelligence. Similarly, Proverbs 22.18 says “within you.” For starters, I must change WHO I AM.

3). Be reverent. Proverbs 22.19 Here, and in other passages in Proverbs, the essence of wisdom is an active, personal relationship with YAHWEH. Additionally, that relationship is marked by trust.

But, trust in what? Well, in God’s love for me. And, belief that He will guide me. Also, that He will make sovereign choices – in His will – as He protects me through the life circumstances that He leads me into.

4). Be intentional about growth. Proverbs 22.20 This content is shared, on purpose – for a purpose! What’s more, this deep counsel is written so I can refer back to it.

Consequently, the mentor is sharing this wisdom on purpose so I can apply it to my life – on purpose! In short, I am expected to live with intention!

5). Grasp fully the KNOW-DO Balance. Proverbs 22.21 I must know the truth or light of the law. In other words, know what’s expected of me. Why? Because that knowing give me a base or foundation to draw from. And, it enables me to make sense of life events. Hence, “make you to know…”

Next, following knowing, is doing. Therefore, I apply the knowledge to life situations: “answer the words of truth to them…” As a result, I know – with certainty – the words of truth. Then, I apply that truth into my daily life!

In summary, the essence of wisdom is to balance knowing and doing.

The Balanced Life

How else is Know-Do presented in Proverbs? Repeatedly, we read the phrase “mercy and truth.” For example, see Proverbs 3.3, Proverbs 14.22, Proverbs 16.6, and Proverbs 20.28.

I must know the truth. However, I must apply or do the truth by being merciful. In other words, I know the right thing to do, and I do the right thing in a way that’s equitable, merciful, fair, and gracious.

An abundant life discovers its divine purpose. More importantly, an abundant life makes progress toward accomplishing that life purpose!

Apply This Today!

Now, what’s the balance point between knowing and doing? Actually, that balance point is my being – my character. My integrity.

What does this integrity or Know-Do balance look like?

First, I am right with God.

Second, I clearly understand my divinely-given life purpose.

Third, I am self-aware enough to recognize my self-worth.

What’s the outcome of a life lived in balance like this? My doing is impactful. As a result, I am influential because of undergoing deliberate character transformation.

Therefore, choose a balanced life! Choose abundance!