Recognizing opportunity and acting on opportunity are not the same! I behave wisely by acting on opportunity when it’s in front of me.

I behave wisely when I act on opportunity in a timely manner. Proverbs 10.5 paraphrase

Acting on Opportunity

As described in Proverbs 10.5, some opportunities are seasonal. Hence the phrase “gather in summer.”

I seize opportunity by behaving wisely. Or, I can be asleep “in harvest.”

Moreover, use of the word “son” twice in this proverbs suggests an unwillingness to meet expectations. What’s worse, neighbors and other family members watch this episode play out between parent and child.

As such, key factors are:


Action bias, and


Key ingredients for behaving wisely - JPG image.

Leadership Insight

Granted, it’s hard to not recognize the harvest time in seasonal industries.

But, harvest may be less obvious in other cases, say where’s there’s a narrow window of opportunity. In such cases, perceptive leaders have the vision and foresight to see what others don’t see.

Recognizing an opportunity and acting on that opportunity are two very different things!

However, perception is of limited value without the motivation to act. Invariably, a bent toward action brings with it both risks and rewards. Thus, impactful leaders are decisive without being reckless. In addition, they display that critical balance in their decision processes.

Finally, impactful leaders take responsibility for their actions. Now, “asleep in harvest” shows inaction. Leaders are accountable, especially in time-dependent situations.

The emphasis in Proverbs 10.5 seems to be inaction where action would be obvious, rather than a measured risk that turned out poorly.

JPG image with a definition of behaving wisely - Hebrew Sakal.

Apply This Today!

Why “sleep in harvest”? In all likelihood, because I’m unmotivated and self-consumed.

Why “gather in summer”? Because I see beyond the immediate. I’m playing the long game.

When I behave wisely I recognize that my actions impact many others, as well as the sustainability of the organization.

Today’s Question: What helps you to recognize opportunities and then move decisively?