Personal change is an inside job. In fact, we’re transformed from the inside out. Let’s discuss.

Photo of wild flowers as used in the post: We-re Transformed From the Inside Out

How Are We Changed?

Well, we’re changed from the inside out, that’s how we’re changed!

Actually, personal transformation is an inside-out process.

That transformation begins with clarity about WHO we are right now.

And then, over time, we envision WHO we can become.

Truly, the goals and habits we adopt – hence the lifestyle disciplines we practice – push us toward that envisioned self. BUT, the change first comes from inside of is.

We choose the gift of a sound character by the intentional choices we make each day to do the right thing.

The Precept

For a person of faith, that envisioned self fulfills their divine life purpose – their WHY.

Moreover, that envisioning comes from deep inside of us. 

In the Book of Proverbs, repeatedly we read phrases such as: “…apply your heart…” and “…write on your heart…”

For some examples, read Proverbs 2.2, Proverbs 3.3, and Proverbs 7.3.

What Transformation Is NOT!

Conversely, in Proverbs, we’re never asked about our head.

But why? Because personal transformation isn’t about native intelligence.

For example, in Proverbs 4.5 we’re told to grasp the precepts (“…get wisdom…”) in order to make sense of life (…get understanding…”).

Instead, it’s always about the heart.

In short, personal growth in grounded in character transformation!

Paraphrase of Ecclesiastes 7.4 as used in the post: We're Transformed From the Inside Out.

Apply This Today!

We’re transformed from the inside out.

Inner transformation must begin with WHO we are by knowing ourselves.

So, don’t start chasing your WHY until you’re clear about WHO you are!

In addition, when I grow my character I open my life to lots of good outcomes.

Remember that character building is hard work. But, it’s not impossible work!

Finally, a question: What lifestyle disciplines help you envision your future self?