Living a life of no regrets means we miss some things. Like hurting others, deliberately or unintentionally. And, making poor choices.

This blog post contains my LinkedIn posts for August 22 through August 28, 2022.

Purpose Drives Priorities

Life purpose – our WHY, should control what we select as priorities.

Priorities, in turn, drive the choices we make.

More importantly, priorities determine the things we say NO to!

Achieving a balanced life enables me to live with purpose, on purpose!

Today’s Observation: Purpose and priorities dramatically influence our goals, the HOW of life.

The Precept: “Knowing Wisdom” was the focus of Solomon’s personal development. He emphasized the balanced life of knowing and applying the precepts. See Ecclesiastes 1.17.

Do you have an algorithm for priority setting? What is it?

Photo of late-evening sunset

Where is peace of mind?

We often view peace as a destination.
Instead, it’s a deliberately-chosen state of mind.

Peace isn’t an emotion that’s dependent upon something else happening, such as an accomplishment or the settling of a situation.

Peace is an aspect of being present, thus of living right now. Conversely, don’t be haunted by your past or live in dread of the future.

Today’s Observation: External circumstances don’t determine our peace, IF we so choose!

The Precept: In Psalm 34.14 we’re told to “seek peace and pursue it.” Hence, peace is a choice!

How do you balance peace of mind with a churning stomach?

fall colors on the trees

What peace of mind is not!

Peace of mind isn’t:
1). Being clueless about life challenges
2). Underestimating the size of a challenge
3). Based on life outcomes always being good
4). Putting off hard choices
5). Avoiding all risks
6). Resignation to an expected, negative outcome

Doubts are inevitable, but we choose to persist – despite those doubts – by focusing on our life purpose.

Today’s Observation: External circumstances can contribute to peace of mind, but they aren’t the ultimate source of peace.

External circumstances may disturb peace of mind but they don’t have to control it.

The Precept: When we listen, God speaks peace to us. Psalm 85.8

What can you add to the “peace of mind isn’t” list?

Early AM clouds after a rainfall

A life of no regrets

“No regrets” ignores many problems.

Like what? Well, we’ve:
Hurt others, deliberately or unintentionally.
Made poor choices.

Thus, “no regrets” is problematic.

Living in balance means I’m not ignoring past failures, but also that I’m not haunted by those failures.

Today’s Observation: “No regrets” moves forward in an endless loop:

Life experience->No reflection->No learning->No growth->Repeat the cycle

The Precept: Proverbs 14.8 contrasts insightful critical thinking with foolish self-deception.

What practices help you to set aside time for necessary reflection?

Fall colors on the trees

Introvert Tip: Too tired to talk!

After a busy day of forced talking, an introvert is ill-equipped to come home and be social.

My mostly-introvert son-in-law mentioned this to our daughter a few weeks ago.

The solution? Ask for a night off in order to recover!

I’m best positioned to reach my divinely-appointed potential when I first fully accept and love myself.

Today’s Question: What rules do you have at home to accommodate the “special needs” of an introvert?

Dark clouds in the sky

How do we express faith?

Some express faith as Abraham did in Genesis 15.6 “Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness.”

We may have other views of spirituality. Or, believe in a God other than Yahweh. We can choose a life of faith, or not, as we see fit.

Where should I focus my efforts? I choose a life of faith in God, wisdom to live in balance, and divine purpose to give life meaning.

Today’s Question: Ignoring religious practices, how does faith impact your daily life?

Mountains and fog.

My authentic self

I cannot be my authentic self until I know who that authentic self really is.

And, really is not!

I’m unclear about my authentic self until I find that authentic self through reflection!

Finding my authentic self isn’t some abstract concept. Instead, it’s the reality of clearly knowing and deeply valuing myself, coupled with active pursuit of my life purpose.

Today’s Observation: My authentic self is who I am deep inside. That depth of character is best exhibited in what I have to give out to others.

The Precept: Solomon shared in Proverbs 4.18 that knowing life purpose is like a light. That light grows brighter and brighter as I come to understand exactly what it is that God wants me to do in life based on what He has prepared, and is preparing me, to do! That preparation aligns with my authentic self.

The Question: What activities have helped you to discover your authentic self?

Bright colors in the sky