We must know our WHY in life. However, that purpose can change over time. Let’s discuss a purpose for every season of life.

Purpose is Seasonal!

Consider this: life purpose is seasonal. That is, it can change, somewhat, during our life.

So, envision purpose for a single season of life. For example, as a young parent or (for me) retired and repurposed.

Now, note the (perhaps slight) differences in purpose across those seasons.

What’s Realistic?

Frequently, we pressure ourselves to know the one thing we’re to do for the rest of our life.

Ha, that’s unrealistic!

Instead, ask: “What makes sense for where I am, and who I am, right now?”

The Precept

Proverbs 4.18 speaks about a light that shines brighter and brighter.

Ok, for how long? Well, until we find what we’ve been prepared to do, that’s how long!

In short, finding our divine life purpose is finding light for life.

Truly, pursuing life purpose is important for me right now.

Conversely, it’s unimportant to me to chase after non-purposeful activities.

Finding my authentic self isn’t an abstract concept. Instead, it’s the reality of knowing and deeply valuing myself, paired with active pursuit of my life purpose.  proverbsforprofessionals.net

But, Why Change?

Here’s the catch to all this: finding purpose implies I’m willing to pursue that life purpose.

Moreover, that pursuit of life purpose demands that I change.


So that I can become the person who’s equipped to accomplish my purpose for this season of my life!

Therefore, I must ask:

“Can I change?” – which speaks to my capability to change.
“Will I change?” – which addresses my willingness to change.
“Why should I change?” – which identifies my motive to change.

We pursue what we value. Proverbs 3.14-15 says that a precept-driven life is of ultimate value. It’s greater than any material wealth we can imagine! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

A growth mindset is good. However, being humble enough to be teachable is necessary before growth occurs.

Growth is part of knowing WHO I am — my authentic self.

Finding WHO precedes knowing WHY.

Finally, a question: How comfortable are you with this idea of seasonal life purpose?