A big win is life is nice. But, what’s next? Then, we must answer – Big Win Now What?

Baseball photo of the author - many years ago! As used in the post: Big Win Now What

As Is, Or Pivot?

Ok, Now What? That’s a common predicament after reaching a major goal.

For example, the end of events like the Olympics raises a question for the medal winners:

What comes next after a big win?

More specifically, “Do I continue doing the same thing, or do I look for another challenge?”

When and How

Well, life pivots are challenging. Why? Because those career changes raise lots of fears.

And, doubts about ourselves.

Look, I just had a big win! Great! But, where to now?

Staying put raised the “what do I have left to prove?” question.

While, making a career pivot demands that I let go of things I’ve been clinging to. You know, like the security of success!

So, those questions deal with the WHEN of making a life pivot.

Next, is the HOW? That is, how do I make a significant life pivot?

Those changes tend to be customized for each of us. So, there’s no single, simple answer.

Often, the pivot demands that we let go of some things. Like what? Like that which is comfortable and familiar, that’s what!

In short, knowing WHEN to pivot in life is a critical skill.

Knowing HOW to pivot in life is equally as important.

I’ve found that clarity of life purpose really helps in these times.

Life outcomes begin with deep desire. We pair that desire with intense focus to produce deliberate actions. Hence, “as you think in your soul, so are you.”  proverbsforprofessionals.net

The Precept

After a big win in his life David “behaved himself wisely…” 1 Samuel 18.5.

Hence, he prospered as a result of that wise behavior.

However, if we’re not careful, big wins can be a source of pride, especially if all you have been doing previously is herding sheep!

Paraphrase of ! Samuel 18.5 as used in the post: Big Win Now What

Apply This Today!

Life transitions can be challenging – especially when we don’t want to be challenged! Therefore, watch your mindset during those transitions!

As is sometimes the case, giant killing is a solo act. Whereas, later responsibilities require social skills such as supervision, motivation, and discretion.

Finally, a question: What thought processes help you decide WHEN and HOW to pivot in life, especially after a big win?

If you have a question or comment contact me: larrydaleyoung@gmail.com