Do you want to be impactful and influential? Then you must start by connecting humility with influence. Read this post to understand that connection.

Sunrise on a snowy day

The Source of Influence

Now, one of the most commonly used definitions of leadership says: Leadership is Influence.

Ok, but what’s the source of that influence?

As it turns out, Proverbs addresses the source of our influence. In short, our influence is dependent on our level of humility.

Thus, before we can be influential we must be humble.

As a leader, or as a friend, I touch the life of no one when I am arrogant and self-consumed. Instead, to have lasting influence, I must cultivate humility.

A Practical Example

Unsurprisingly, we see how connecting humility with influence worked in Solomon’s life.

For example, in First Kings 3.12-13 God makes Solomon wise, and gives him discernment.

Because Solomon was wise and discerning he was influential. See also Second Chronicles 1.12.

The Precept

The connection between humility and influence appears in several places in Proverbs. For a number of these verses, the Hebrew word kabed is translated honor, which I’m interpreting as influence.

Most basically, influence is an outcome of knowing wisdom, Proverbs 3.16.

My humility is a prerequisite to having influence with others, Proverbs 15.33. Similarly, Proverbs 18.12 contrasts arrogance with humility, which brings influence.

In Proverbs 13.18 we read that being teachable is linked to having influence. Likewise, our faithful service is a source of reward, thus an indicator of influence, Proverbs 27.18.

Pride comes before destructive life outcomes. In contrast, humility comes before having influence. Proverbs 18.12 paraphrase

Some Negative Examples

Our influence is a blessing from God, Ecclesiastes 6.2.

However, our influence can be wasted by careless actions, Ecclesiastes 10.1.

Unfortunately, the foolishly overconfident struggle to be influential, Proverbs 26.1 and Proverbs 26.8.

Worse yet, self-created influence isn’t really influence at all, Proverbs 25.27.

Proverbs 25.27 paraphrase

Apply This Today!

When I learn the precepts I become wise-hearted, which positions me to have influence.

Moreover, I’m impactful in the lives of others to the extent that they accept my influence.

Remember, arrogance and over-confidence are deadly to my influence.