Heart desire must be paired with persistent action if there’s to be meaningful change in our lives because desire isn’t enough!

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn daily posts for April 25 through May 1, 2022.

I learned by doing!

My first boss was a small business owner. I started worked for him when I was in high school.

That job carried me all the way through my undergraduate degree, as well as my MBA.

Today’s Observation: The business owner taught me much of what I learned about running a business. Therefore, over the years I gained experience and took on added responsibilities.

Where did you pick up some valuable, early learning?

The Precept: Proverbs 22.29 teaches that when we prepare ourselves beforehand, we are ready to take on greater responsibility.

Aspects of self-care!

What does self-care mean?

We incorrectly isolate self-care to narrowly mean attention to sleeping, eating, and exercising.

However, self-care is very broad. It encompasses human relationships, emotional health, and our spiritual well-being.

My own self-care is an everyday necessity, not an occasional luxury! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: The ancient precept of wholeness – body, mind, emotion, and spirit – captures self-care.

So, what does self-care mean to you?

The Precept: According to Ecclesiastes 2.9-11 we can have it all regarding the material and the experiential, yet still feel as if it’s all emptiness.

View of fall foliage and a clear sky

Act right now!

In several recent podcasts I’ve heard stories about a difficult life event that produced immediate change.

Thus, the learning wasn’t for some time much later.

Instead, the new learning was for right now!

Today’s Observation: Life challenges prepare us for something totally new, immediate, and much better than what we had before. But, we must move on from the loss if that new growth is to take place.

The Precept: In Proverbs 25.4 we see a picture of how heat is used to refine silver. Similarly, life events can remove unneeded traits from us.

How have you learned from loss that you immediately applied?

Desire isn’t enough!

Want change in your life? Take action!

Wishing or hoping – alone – isn’t enough. There must be action toward the desired goal.

Today’s Observation: Heart desire must be paired with persistent action if there’s to be meaningful change in our lives.

The Precept: Proverbs 13.4 points out a sad fact of life – desire without action produces nothing! Instead, what’s required is decisive action.

What’s the next, small step you could take toward a desired goal in your life?

Don’t live by default!

We get to make one of two choices:
1). Live with intention by being proactive, or
2). Live by default, as a victim of what we view as uncontrollable circumstances.

Today’s Observation: Living intentionally is widely taught. Making that intentional choice is much less practiced!

The Precept: Wisdom calls us to intentional character transformation in Proverbs 9.4-6 as we replace simple-mindedness with sense making. What a trade-off!

Are you intentional in some areas of your life, while living by default in other areas? Why?

Choose your influencers wisely!

A key element of growth is our choice of influencers.

Making wise choices about who influences us impacts the trajectory of our growth.

Thus, we must find influencers who are like the person we want to become!

Today’s Observation: Determine to be influenced by the types of individuals you aspire to be!

The Precept: Impactful leaders know when they are getting bad advice, Proverbs 20.8 paraphrase.

I just got off a Maxwell webinar. Who influences you?

Need more time?

Time-starved is a familiar concern.

But, like the weather, everyone talks about being time-starved, but no one does anything about it!

So, what to do?

By letting go of certain things, which are no longer a priority, we intentionally free up time to pursue different priorities.

Make time for priorities, like getting away to relax! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: We don’t need to be more busy. Instead, we need to be differently busy! Choose to be busy doing what matches your priorities!

The Precept: There’s a time for every purpose and for every work, according to Ecclesiastes 3.17! That time exists because I make it a priority, not because I have free time in my schedule.

How do you make decisions about competing priorities in your life? In your career?

Make time for what matters - such as getting away to relax!