Leaders pick up lots of bad habits. In fact, the Proverbs identify a dirty dozen destructive traits. And, one of the most problematic traits is negative thinking.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 17.20a as used in the post: Dirty Dozen Destructive Traits

The Precept Explained

Certainly it’s easier to identify bad habits than to break those habits. In fact, listing them is the easy part!

Actually, the Proverbs discuss a dirty dozen destructive traits. Moreover, those traits impact me personally, damage relationships with others, and contribute to a destructive lifestyle.

So what are they? Well, the dirty dozen destructive traits are listed below.

Proverbs for Professionals diagram of a "Dirty Dozen Destructive Traits" as used in the post: Dirty Dozen Destructive Traits

That said, this post focuses on negative thinking. Then, the following post focuses on the importance of learning from experiences.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Self-destructive behaviors exist because of deliberate choices I’ve made. However, I can choose differently!

Negative Thinking

Now, the observation in Proverbs 17.20 says those with a perverse character never see the good in anything.

Fundamentally, this trait stems from a lack of spirituality, according to Proverbs 11.20.

In short, I get this way by always expecting the worst. As a result, I get just that!

Thus, a lack of a positive outlook isn’t because I’m careful and foresighted. Instead, it’s a trait I develop daily, then cling to throughout life.

Escaping My Negativity

So, what’s my way out? Here are some suggestions.

First, choose personal integrity, Proverbs 19.1, because it so much better that perverse talking.

Second, choose to see differently by behaving wisely, Psalm 101, verses 2 and 4.

Third, choose those who are positive to serve as role models, Psalm 101, verses 4 and 6.

In other words, my outlook is a deliberate choice I make. So, choose differently. Then, I can start to work out of this self-destructive trait. Consequently, I choose to see the good.

Leadership Insight

Now, if you’re looking for a career inhibitor, never seeing the good is a great place to start!

So, who wants to be around someone who’s habitually pessimistic? Not me!

Don’t get me wrong, it’s Ok to ask questions. And, to shoot holes in flawed logic. And, attack belief in conspiracy theories. Or, condemn acting without having any factual support.

Why? Because these types of questions are examples of critical thinking. Additionally, that critical thinking produces foresight and wise choices.

But, what’s not Ok is to shoot down every suggestion, out of hand, without listening to the supporting logic.

Organizational Change

Where possible, impactful leaders find ways to marginalize or eliminate this type of thinking by changing personnel.

But, isn’t that extreme? Well, not if agility and rapid response to industry change are essential to organizational sustainability.

Therefore, impactful leaders find good, learn from challenges, and build learning organizations that adapt to change.

Apply This Today!

My mindset is critical to my functioning as a leader because it’s picked up and spread by those around me.

Likewise, only seeing the bad means a leader will struggle to find a way forward in tough situations.

In so doing, that leader isn’t long for the role. So, don’t be that leader!

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