Wisdom and experiential insight call to us publicly. They call to the shallow-minded and to the hardheaded. In return for listening, they offer discernment. As a result, that discernment overcomes shallow-mindedness and hardheadedness!

The Precept Explained:

Wisdom invites the shallow and the stubborn to develop a discerning and subtle character. Proverbs 8.5 paraphrase

The Precept Applied:

Proverbs for Professionals title slide in the post Discernment Overcomes Shallow-mindedness and Hardheadedness.

First, what’s it like to be shallow-minded? Well, they lack depth. They’re superficial.

If I’m shallow, it’s all about me! Thus, I never see past myself.

Next, how about hardheadedness? Well, a hardheaded person sticks to their opinion no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented. Thus, they cannot be reasoned with!

Fortunately, these dual and deadly problems are addressed by the universal precepts. By the way, the invitation here in Proverbs 8.5 is repeated in Proverbs 1.22.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 1.22

Apparently, wisdom really has it in for the shallow-minded and hardheaded!

How Did We Get Here?

What contributes to shallow-mindedness and hardheadedness? How do I develop those traits?

If you try a search engine, you get plenty of suggestions.

That said, let’s look at these traits through the lens of leadership.

Certainly we can agree that being shallow and stubborn never contribute to the bottom line.

First, where does conviction and sticking-to-your-guns stop and hardheadedness begin? You know, darkest before dawn. Light at the end of the tunnel. Win at all costs. My way or the highway. Rah, Rah, Rah!

Second, where’s the dividing line between shallowness and over-analysis? You know, this just feels right. Go with your gut. Move now or miss the opportunity. The window is closing. Seize the day. How dare you question me with data!

How do we get here?

In part, because its worked in the past. Also, because the culture of our organization tolerates stubbornness, shallowness, and their first cousin incivility. Mostly, we’re reluctant to speak the truth to power.

The Role of Discernment

What’s the way out? Proverbs 8.5 says that we escape shallowness and stubbornness by building a discerning and subtle character.

The Hebrew word that’s translated understanding means to discern. It’s the same word Solomon used in 1 Kings 3.9 when he asked for the ability to discern right from wrong.

I’m also asked by wisdom to discern subtilty. That’s the ability to be discrete in my thinking and behavior. Thus, to think on my feet and be self controlled.

Discernment is my ticket out of shallowness and stubbornness. Great! Now, how does a leader get discernment?

Discernment, I believe, is the product of experience and time in rank. Over time, if I’m reflective and intentional about growth, I can become more discerning.

Therefore, discernment overcomes shallow-mindedness and hardheadedness!

I will never see below the surface if I remain satisfied with my lack of depth and insight!

Leadership Insights

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image
The Keystone
Proverbs 1.7

What are some good questions for leaders to ask in order to build out discernment? Conversely, how can leaders shed themselves of years of shallowness and stubbornness?

For starters, how about “What just happened?” Following an interaction, a leader should spend some time personally reflecting on how the conversation went.

For example, how could I have done that better? Did I accomplish the objective I set out before the conversation started? Did I really mess up? If Yes, Why? How?

Second, in addition to reflection, look to a trusted mentor. That mentor may be a superior or a peer. Be willing to ask the “How would you” question. Thus, ask and reflect before entering the situation that requires interpersonal discernment.

Third, what are you doing to grow personally and professionally? In fact, skills like discernment and subtleness can come out of an intentional program of self-improvement.

However, I must be willing to change and I must be looking for resources because that’s how growth occurs.

Plug This In Today!

It’s bad to be shallow. What’s worse, it’s really bad to be stubborn about shallow opinions and inept reasoning!

Discernment is an acquired skill. But, I must be intentional about growing that capability.

Likewise, subtleness is an acquired skill. How so? I learn to think on my feet as I have experiences that demand an increased level of self-awareness and self-control.

The issue isn’t – can I change. Actually, the issue is, will I change? Thus, will I grow to become the leader that’s needed?

Truly, discernment overcomes shallow-mindedness and hardheadedness!

The Source of This Precept

Proverbs 8.5

8.5 Learn to be shrewd, you who are inexperienced; develop common sense, you who are foolish. Christian Standard Bible

8.5 O naive ones, understand prudence; and, O fools, understand wisdom. New American Standard Bible

8.5 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. King James Version

Thanks for visiting. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me: larrydaleyoung@gmail.com

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