Intentional personal growth is good for me. In fact, growth changes my behavior by improving my decisions, according to Proverbs 1.3. Therefore, be teachable – then grow.

Learning the precepts lets me behave wisely by forming sound decisions that are both just and fair. Proverbs 1.3 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Basically, I do what I think about. Likewise, I become what dominates my thought life.

Thus, if I want to improve my behavior, I should change my thinking!

In fact, my personal and professional growth as a life passion requires me to change. In other words, I must be purposeful about character change because changed behavior is rooted in the development of my character.

Proverbs 1.2-9 outlines the process for clear thinking, sound decisions, and wise behavior that are grounded in who I am.

Consequently, I can grow my capacity to think clearly, decide rationally, and behave wisely.

Moreover, growth occurs to the extent that I undergo intentional character change. And, that growth is measured by the precepts.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 23.7 as used in the post: Be Teachable Then Grow.


Sow-reap is a mental model, a way of making sense about the world around me.

When I’m teachable, I sow the precepts of wisdom into my character, as explained in Proverbs 1.2.

As a result, I reap personal and professional behavior that’s judged by others to be wise and equitable, according to Proverbs 1.3.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

The decisions I make, and actions I take, make sense and are fair to all concerned when I absorb the precepts into my life.

Leadership Insights

The starting point for improving my decision-making capability isn’t simply more data.

Also, it’s not a more rational or more detailed decision process. Likewise, it’s not greater participation across the organization in surfacing key issues.

Those are certainly useful objectives for any leader. Especially one who wants to be more transparent and participatory in his or her decision processes.

Instead, the values found in the precepts drive me to improve my character. Then, I decide better because I’m a better person.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

The starting point for effective decisions and wise behavior is adopting the values of the universal precepts.

Apply This Today!

Wise behavior based on sound judgment constitutes a significant return-on-investment to a leader.

A leader can receive this payback by being intention about absorbing wisdom!

Remember, sound decisions produce wise behavior.

So, be teachable then grow.

Therefore, I choose to know wisdom!

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Be Teachable Then Grow

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