Humility is the basis for a well-functioning church fellowship. As well, it’s the basis for how well I function as a believer. Thus, God’s will and my humility are closely linked.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for 1 Peter 5.6 from the post: God's Will and My Humility

Key Passage: First Peter 5.1-14

In closing this letter, Peter points out that humility is the basis for a well-functioning church fellowship.

Additionally, it’s the foundation for my daily walk as a believer. Thus, God’s will and my humility are closely linked.

Spiritual Leadership

Peter notes the role of pastors and the response of church members, old and young alike, to the shepherding of those pastors, First Peter 5.1-5.

Moreover, all members are to practice mutual submission and humility: “… submit to each other and be humble …” in verse 5.

In addition, the pastor is to be humble as well. Thus, pastors are to model servant leadership.

As it turns out, humble shepherding is a source of influence. Also, humble shepherding enables all types of leaders to find a way forward during difficult conversations.

Essentially, pastors are to be active in ministering God’s word to the church. Hence, “feed the flock…” in verse 2.

Then, they’re to be good examples to members. Thus, “… don’t lord over people but be an example” in verse 3.

Some Insights

Proverbs for Professionals image of a gazebo as used in the post: God's Will and My Humility

The response from members to this caring ministry is humility, First Peter 5.5.

To emphasize this point, Peter re-words “God scorns scorners but gives grace to the humble” from Proverbs 3.34.

Likewise, James used this same precept when discussing prayer, James 4.6.

God gives more grace to the humble but He resists the proud. James 4.6 paraphrase

In addition, in First Peter 5.6, believers must be humbled under God’s hand to enjoy spiritual renewal in their lives.

Next, I give life cares over to God, First Peter 5.7, because I realize I’m an object of God’s care. Literally, I am to lay those cares on God!

Unfortunately, I’m often overly busy with things that are not essential. Then, instead of recognizing that I’m an object of God’s care, just like Martha in Luke 10.40, I ask “Lord, don’t you care …” Ugh!

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image in the post: God's Will and My Humility

As it turns out, humility before God, His working in my life, and difficulties (“cares”) that distract me are part of the spiritual renewal process.

So What’s Next?

Well, God’s humbling and God’s caring are, at times, accompanied by satanic attacks, First Peter 5.8-9.

So, I should be watchful, as these challenges are a given in a believer’s life. However, the end point is spiritual maturity, First Peter 5.10, as I enjoy God’s grace.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image used in the post: God's Will and My Humility

Again, God’s will and my humility are linked in that my humility enables His will to play out in my life.

Apply These Precepts

First, to enjoy God working on my behalf, I must be humble and must stop being a worrier! I know, much easier said than done …

Second, a life that is lifted up by God will also deal with some serious challenges. Actually, that’s normal!

Third, my ability to be a positive influence on others is linked to my humility. Therefore, leadership influence is tied closely to a humble and Godly character.

“The Lord make His face shine upon you…” Numbers 6.22-27

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author in the post: God's Will and My Humility

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