It’s important to have a clear focus. Why? Because without focus my actions aren’t based on an end point. Worse yet, I have no basis for judging what I should and should not do.

Key Passage: Exodus 20.1-6

Can I identify my life focus? How about my spiritual focus?

Proverbs for Professionals image of a gazebo

Well, from Exodus 20.1-6, it’s obvious that God expects believers to see Him as the focus of their worship.

Thus, we’re to have a clear focus – God Himself!

Some Insights

In Exodus 20, God provides Moses a list of commandments.

God wrote those Ten Commandments on stone, Exodus 34.28.

As such, God began that list by demanding from us a clear spiritual focus – “no other gods before me.”

Additionally, don’t bow down to idols that we make ourselves because the idol becomes a substitute for God.

As it turns out, people of faith worship of all types of other gods because of our materialistic nature. Then, we park those idols in our front yards!

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Unfortunately, who we desire to be, and what we own, can be examples of a believer’s lack of spiritual focus.

Warning and a Promise

Now, in Exodus 20.5, God warns us about what happens when we lack spiritual focus. As such, the problems aren’t just mine, but they reach my extended family members.

Conversely, when my life displays spiritual focus, I receive God’s mercy, Exodus 20.6.

God is merciful to those who are so deeply committed to Him that they pursue a precept-driven life! Exodus 20.6 paraphrase

In short, believers receive God’s mercy when they’re deeply committed to Him. In addition, mercy comes to those who pursue a precept-driven life.

Interestingly, God doesn’t use the Hebrew word torah for commandment, but mitzvah, or precept. So, even though He’s giving the law, God focuses on practical application or doing of that law.

Apply These Precepts

Life focus is a conscious choice I make.

Additionally, knowing the law is easy. In fact, all I have to do is memorize a list, then claim to know it!

However, practically applying those precepts to daily living is a real challenge!

“The Lord make his face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

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