Fall leaves beside a lake

We occasionally hear the phrase “Find Your Voice.” But, what’s your voice? And, how do you go about finding your voice? Well, let’s discuss how to find your voice!


We all have HOLES in our self-image and self-confidence as a result of difficult life experiences.

However, we all can be WHOLE through the process of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Clarity about our voice is one outcome of that healing process.

What’s Your Voice?

First, What’s this thing called voice?

In short, your voice is the clear expression of your unique self. Thus, our voice is how we vocalize, or otherwise share, our distinctive competencies.

We use our voice by sharing with others what we’re passionate about. More specifically, that passion can be worded as a value proposition.

Now, a value proposition assumes I know what I offer that’s unique. And, I also know who I offer it to – my target audience.

Finally, I can express how the value I offer benefits those who are in my target audience.

Thus, a value proposition is a clear expression of WHO I am and what I offer to others. I use my voice to share that unique value with those around me.

Your voice is the clear expression of your unique self. proverbsforprofessionals.net

How to Find Your Voice

The authentic self you envision inside your head can become the self you show to others around you. Simply by using your voice!

First, you need clarity about WHO you are as a person. Thus, the first step is to know yourself very well through an on-going process of self-reflection.

As such, your voice begins to take shape inside your head and your heart.

Knowing yourself positions you to start developing key messages based on the things you are passionate about in life.

Actually, those passions drive us to use our voice by sharing ourselves with others.

Once you know yourself well, and have those key messages, you’re ready to find ways of self-expression.

In so doing, you’re sharing your true self and those unique messages – using your voice – with those around you.

Finding and using your voice is deeply fulfilling. Why? Because we know WHO we are, plus we actively share our authentic self with others who benefit from the content we share! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Sharing Your Voice

There are lots of creative and inventive ways for our self-expression to take place.

Ok, what are some specific examples of using my voice?

For me personally, my voice is mostly in written form. You know, like this blog post!

For others, their voice is expressed through speaking to groups. Still others may find creative expression in the form of acting, photography, art, or music.

Regardless of the outlet you choose for sharing your voice, there are lots of experienced coaches in different venues. Coaches provide specific direction on refining your chosen specialty in order to maximize your impact.

If you desire to have an impact in the lives of others, find your voice. Build those distinctive messages. Then use your voice!

A voice unshared is really no voice at all because it touches no one else. Share your voice by giving away what’s inside of you. proverbsforprofessionals.net

The Precept

In Proverbs 12.18 Solomon describes the power of our words.

There he says that our words can be sharp or they can heal. Thus, they can be like a sword or knife that cuts into someone. Or, if we are wise, our words mend by providing healing.

But, mend what? Well, our words – when well chosen – can mend relationships. They can provide encouragement to others. Our words can inspire.

Further, in Proverbs 25.11, we read that our words can be a delightful picture for others to enjoy. However, those words must be “fitly spoken.”

Our fitly-spoken words paint an appropriate picture when they are used at the right time, in the right place, and in the right way.

Hence, my words are most impactful when I am sharing from deep experience AND I’m doing that sharing with sensitivity.

Proverbs 5.1-2 paraphrase

Some Takeaways

We have no voice if we never bother to discover what our voice really is.

Our voice is of no value to anyone if we never find impactful ways to use that voice for sharing our passions.

How long should it take to find your voice? I’m not sure there’s any fixed time for that discovery to take place. But, I’m convinced that voice finding is closely linked to our willingness to reflect as part of deliberate personal growth.

A QUESTION: What’s been your personal experience in finding and refining your voice and the messages that accompany it?