We say we believe in God’s grace – until life gets really difficult! Then we find ourselves asking “Is God’s grace sufficient? Let’s discuss this.

View of the mountains through the trees as used in the post Is God's Grace Sufficient?

An Essential Discipline

Self-reflection is an essential discipline.

That is, we need to give ourselves time to think. To grasp the essential meaning of what has just happened.

But, why is reflection so essential? Because, over time, it produces understanding and meaning. 

Thus, we’re able to make sense of what has just happened!

As such, reflection can take us past a simple rehashing of “what happened today.”

Instead, reflection pushes us toward sense making as we grasp the essential meaning of events.

But, what if that meaning doesn’t come?

The Precept

Understanding God’s sovereign choices for us can be challenging.

Sometimes, things are difficult. They don’t make sense. And, they don’t seem fair – at all!

Actually, we may find ourselves reading scripture and praying.

However, we’re still struggling to grasp the essential meaning of those recent events.

We hear “…my grace is sufficient…” but ask ourselves: “Is God’s grace sufficient?”

Truly, responding to “…my grace is sufficient…” (see 2 Corinthians 12.9) isn’t simply blind acceptance or acquiescence to our fate.

Instead, God’s grace invites us to visualizing the bigger life outcome He is preparing us to pursue. That outcome is a component of God’s divine purpose for our lives.

In Proverbs 4.18 Solomon teaches that divine purpose is like a light that gets brighter and brighter the closer we come to that life purpose. As such, we recognize and pursue that which God has prepared us to do! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

Sufficient grace pushes us outside of ourselves. Also, outside our comfort zone!

Sense-making gives us a sense of closure. We connect the dots of life events, see patterns, and build experiential insights. Mostly!

Self-reflection accompanies our understanding of God’s sovereign choices for our lives. Understanding is good; walking by faith is even better!

Finally, a question: What works best for you regarding a regular time for reflection and insight building?