One aspect of maturing emotionally is linking success to life purpose. Let’s discuss that.

Photo of plants and chairs on a porch as used in the post Linking Success to Life Purpose

Defining Success

How do you define success?

More critically, has your definition of success changed as you’ve matured?

For example, if you’re mid-career or later, what was your success definition when you first started your career?

Hah, I suspect it revolved around financial stability since you were simply trying to survive!

Linking Success to Purpose

What if we define success in terms of accomplishing life purpose?

Thus, we know our WHY for this season of life. Moreover, we’re actively pursuing that WHY.

In short, whatever success we have in life is purpose-driven.

Otherwise, we run the risk of life success being hollow and unfulfilling.

Why? Because we’re chasing the wrong definition of success!

My Personal Experience

Like many, I struggled financially early in my career. However, after a mid-life career change things improved dramatically.

Eventually, I pursued personal and professional growth.

Consequently, along with that growth, came a greater understanding of my life purpose.

First, purpose as a college faculty member.

Then second as a business school dean who could impact student lives through fund raising.

Currently, retired and repurposed, I’ve found a different WHY by sharing my life learning.

The Precept

Now, in Proverbs 18.4 we read about what flows out of us.

That content we share can be impactful in at least two ways:

1). What I share can be challenging to others. Hence, “deep waters.” Or,

2). My sharing can be constantly refreshing. Therefore, the phrase “a spring flowing into a brook.”

Paraphrase of 1 Samuel 18.5

Apply This Today!

My life purpose is most impactful when it’s focused on sharing with others.

In turn, I’m most successful when sharing out of the overflow of my spiritual, emotional, and professional growth.

By the way, how’s the picture of my porch related to this post? Maybe your definition of success is defined as sitting on a porch while retired. Enjoy the porch, but don’t live there!

Finally, a question: At what point in your career did you get past success being more than financial stability?