In Ephesians 4, I learn that what I say and how I act shows who I am. Thus, I give evidence of my faith through my responses to others.

Key Passage: Ephesians 4.17-32

Proverbs for Professionals photo of a church as used in the post: My Responses to Others

Knowing my life purpose is energizing. Then, carrying out that calling through my giftedness is deeply fulfilling.

Now, purpose and giftedness can have great impact. But, only if my attitude and responses to others show divine transformation.

Hence, my responses to others, both inside and outside the church, should match the characteristics listed in Ephesians 4.17-32.

Some Insights

Typical of many pastors, Paul is unable to speak or write without meddling!

As it turns out, the last half of Ephesians Chapter 4 is one of those times. Additionally, Colossians 3.8-17 provides a similar, overly-meddlesome list!

As such, he’s busy telling me to straighten up my attitude in my responses to others.

But, why must I do this?

Because my ability as a believer to use my spiritual gifts will be severely limited if I have persistent problems in how I respond to others.

What to Do

Now, the list. Unfortunately, this is ugly!

Why ugly? Because we’re told to stop doing the following:

1). Lying, Ephesians 4.25

2). Being angry – for days at a time, Ephesians 4.26

3). Stealing, Ephesians 4.28

4). Speaking to others in a nasty manner, Ephesians 4.29, and

When you speak, build up others by being gracious. Ephesians 4.29 paraphrase

5). Having a bitter, hateful attitude, Ephesians 4.31

You think this list is bad? Well, in the next chapter we’re told to stop being greedy and impure! So, give it a rest already!

Instead, we’re to be kind and forgiving because we ourselves are forgiven, Ephesians 4.32 – by God.

Remember, this letter is addressed to church members, not all those other people out there! Ouch!

In short, this type of personal change is a conscious choice I make. I choose to be kind, gracious, and forgiving.

Conversely, I choose not to be bitter, angry, and hateful.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image as used in the post: My Responses to Others

It’s really hard to be self-righteous when I’m completely honest about the true state of my character!

How To Do It

Does this type of sweeping change to response patterns happen immediately? Of course not!

In addition, does this change happen through force of will? Or, learning some tricks for changing habits and ingrained response patterns? Again, no because character building is hard work.

So, how?

Well, the change comes incrementally, each day, as I choose to accept God-given insights. And, then I choose to be transformed into a different image.

Therefore, choose life, because desiring to grow is life giving.

In so doing, I choose God’s pattern for me regarding my responses to others. As well, I choose God’s ideal regarding my life purpose.

Apply These Precepts

Unfortunately, having a God-given life purpose, and giftedness for carrying out that purpose doesn’t erase the nasty habits I’ve developed in responding to others.

Transforming who I am is hard work that involves deliberate choice and daily practice.

The issue isn’t who I am right now. Instead, it’s who I can become given the right standard to aspire to!

“The Lord make his face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: My Responses to Others in the Church

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