One critical element of personal growth is awareness, hence the ancient phrase “numbering our days.” In short, I cannot make my time count if I’m unaware of the time I have.
Time Awareness
Psalm 90 is a prayer that was written by Moses. As such, it’s an ancient prayer, perhaps 3,500 years old.
Moreover, Psalm 90.12 is often the subject of New Year’s sermons and beginning-of-the-year social media posts. You know, like this one!
One way to view this verse is through the lens of time awareness. That is, it’s reminding each of us to focus our attention on the time we have. Thus, treat that time as something of critical importance. How so? He says “teach us to number our days…”
So, be conscious. Be deliberate about life choices and time usage.
I start down the path of personal growth and self-leadership by learning to say NO – frequently!
Applying Wisdom
Ok, I get it that I need be be aware of how I using my time. But, to what end?
Psalm 90.12 answers that question, saying that we should focus on “applying our hearts to wisdom.” In other words, focus on our own character development (“hearts”) on wisdom.
The outcome is that we are wise hearted.
Great. What’s wisdom? One of the most straightforward definitions of wisdom is found in Proverbs 2.6. There we read that wisdom is the combination of what we know paired with our ability to practically apply that knowledge through use of life insights.
In simplest terms, wisdom is what you know plus what can you do with what you know.
But, what’s the guidepost for applying wisdom? Well, also from Proverbs 2.6 we read “the Lord gives wisdom…” Therefore, the guide is spiritual sensitivity to divine guidance.
Be Teachable
Let’s not miss the obvious. Psalm 90.12 opens with the phrase “So teach us…”
If I’m not willing to learn, if I’m not teachable, there’s no growth. As a result, I’m stuck right where I am, meaning no personal, spiritual, or professional development in my life!
Teach me to number my days so I can become wise hearted. Psalm 90.12 paraphrase by the author
Apply This Today!
You’ve heard this before – growth is a deliberate choice. So, choose to grow!
When I choose to be unteachable, I am choosing NOT to grow. Don’t be a know-it-all!
By the way, an equivalent verse to Psalm 90.12 is found in Ephesians 5.15-16 where we read the phrase “Be wise…redeem the time…”
For this coming year, let’s be intentional about numbering our days by redeeming the time. Be wise!