One critical area of knowing is to have a certainty about my life purpose. As such, I am able to live on purpose for a purpose.

This blog entry is composed of my weekday posts on LinkedIn between July 19 and July 24, 2021. The post entitled “The genie has left the building” was featured in TrendingOnLinkedIn on Saturday, July 24, 2021.

You don’t know me but buy anyway!

They start a DM chat immediately after a connection. Thus, it seems friendly enough at first.

But, after a couple of questions they’re asking me to donate or buy. How do I feel? I realize there was no genuine interest in me. Or, in a personal connection that’s of mutual value.

Instead, I’m just a potential customer or donor. Unfortunately, nothing else. As such, I will just be used for revenue.

Actually, I want to write off the exchange. Why? Because they lacking fundamental communication skills. But, the reality is they are users. It’s all about them.

In fact, they aren’t interested in me as a person,. And, they don’t care if I have something of value to contribute to the relationship in terms of emotional support or experiential insight.

Instead, it’s all about my monetary capacity. Or, my risk tolerance for their “guaranteed” money-making opportunity.

Apparently, this inept procedure works sometimes because they keep trying!

Now, if you’re misusing connections like this, be aware that you’re damaging hundreds of useful relationships. Unfortunately, for only a handful of small donations.

Proverbs 21.5 warns that being in a hurry brings want. It’s the basis, I believe, for the saying “haste makes waste.” Don’t waste human relationships for temporal gain.

What abundance produces

Which character trait most marks an abundance mindset? Moreover, what’s the outcome of an abundant life?

First, what it’s not. An abundant life isn’t premised on a desire for the material. Or, for power.

Instead, it’s grounded in personal humility. That’s the predominant character trait of abundance.

The outcome of abundance is a strong faith lived out in practical, merciful acts to others.

So, abundance is knowing a divine relationship. Then, doing acts of kindness.

In short, it’s not about me, Instead, it’s about how I value and treat others!

Proverbs 21.21 says I find what I’m looking for in life. That is, if I seek reverence and a merciful character, that’s the abundant life I find.

Proverbs 22.4 stresses the importance of reverence and humility. To what end? Well, I find a life of abundance that influences others.

Why are my interactions so bad?

Truly, destructive interactions are a drag on our emotional health.

Now, “Once in a while” may not be a red flag. But, persistent problems are a different issue.

Therefore, I should ask myself if I’m contributing to a problem with an individual by the way I respond. Or, by the assumptions I’m making.

As a college student I observed a co-worker in a large office. People would go in to see him. And, without fail, they would walk out yelling at him!

I think it’s safe to assume that if I offend nearly everyone, then I’m the problem source!

So, one place to look when dealing with unhealthy interactions is inside me. That is, my poor self-image or lousy communication style could be the problem.

Proverbs 22.14 warns that a godless lifestyle generates many problems in my life. Moreover, those problems include a lack of discretion in interpersonal relations. Why? Because I’m easily swayed by other’s bad motives or my poor character.

What’s best insight or knowledge?

No, “All of the above” isn’t an option!

Knowing helps me make choices. And, create stable processes. By making sense of things. It produce wealth. To know is good. So, who argues with being data driven?

However, experiential insight builds lasting relationships. Plus, it contributes to discernment. And, to foresight. Having insight is good. So, who argues with human sensitivity and being mentally intuitive?

Ok, what’s the problem? The problem is my inability to balance my linear, rational nature (who I am mostly) with sensitivity, compassion, and deep insight.

Bottom line: I must be aware of my own strengths. Then, be careful to develop my other side so I live in balance between knowing and the insights from doing.

Want to be a better partner? Develop sensitivity, not just a bullet list of facts!

Knowledge is power when accompanied by the discernment of experiential insight.

Proverbs 24.3-4 defines wisdom as factual knowledge that’s lived in balance with experiential insight. These verses emphasize family relationships as the core for living out wisdom.

On purpose for a purpose

What’s the process of growing out of life challenges?

The steps seem to follow the creation of a metal object where the raw material is refined by heat, then it’s shaped into a useful object.

Here’s what I’ve learned about growing out of life challenges:
1). I know who I am: Self-awareness and recognition of self-worth are the starting point. Thus, start with WHO.

2). Next, I realize my life purpose through self-examination, counsel of others, and prayerful consideration. Thus, after WHO comes WHY.

3). Finally, I wholeheartedly pursue that life purpose. That is, with passion and determination. WHO and WHY lead to WHAT.

Thus, I pursue my life purpose on purpose.

Character development involves the heat of life stress. Similarly, capability development involves shaping from life experiences as I reflect and learn.

Proverbs 25.4 describes the purification of raw material, followed by shaping into a useful object. The following verse notes how this same process is useful for creating a leadership team that does the right thing.

The genie has left the building!

There’s an old saying about putting the genie back in the bottle. Similarly, is the parallel between the pandemic and work from home (WFH).

WFH suggests the genie of remote work isn’t going back into the bottle of 9-5 in an office. So, how do we manage this?

Some organizations will embrace hybrid work. Others will push for a return to the office, but it’s not clear how well that will be received. Still others will continue WFH.

However, WFH suggests different methods of: setting goals for employees, motivation, performance reviews, and determining work/life balance.

That said, releasing the genie has given many of us time to think about what is and isn’t important. As a result, some have decided that inflexible schedules and high pressure isn’t in their best interest.

Of all that has come from the pandemic, I think this deep reflection has allowed people to clarify their values and confirm what’s most critical in their lives. Now, they intend to make career choices based on those values.

Hence, not only is the genie not going back in the bottle, the genie has left the building!

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