Proverbs 1.2 states Solomon’s life goal. As such, in the opening phrase it says “to know wisdom…” Similarly, personal growth is my passion.

My life goal is to learn the precepts by being teachable and by absorbing practical insights. Proverbs 1.2 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Personal Growth is My Passion
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

Solomon was one of the first to apply the life principle of “beginning with the end in mind.”

In fact, the end-point for his professional development was “to know wisdom…” Proverbs 1.2.

Similarly, I too can choose to grow personally and professionally by absorbing the precepts.

Growth as a Passion

That said, my personal and professional growth as a dominant passion requires purposeful character transformation.

Fortunately, Proverbs 1.2-9 outlines a process for such change.

Actually, that change process produces discernment for clear thinking that’s guided by impartial advice.

Then, clear thinking drives sound decisions.

As a result, sound decisions produce wise behavior.

In sum, the process is grounded in who I am. So, my changed behavior is rooted in the intentional development of my character.

Therefore, my capacity to think clearly, decide rationally, and behave wisely can improve.

Practically, that capacity will improve to the extent that I undergo intentional character growth.

Ultimately, that growth is facilitated by the precepts.

Precept-driven Growth

Thankfully, I get to choose my dominant passion, thus that which drives me!

Moreover, Proverbs 1.2 says my life passion must be growth through absorbing the precepts.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

The precepts are those unchanging, fundamental principles that span all time, cultures, and religions.

In other words, the precepts are those absolute standards for measuring character growth. Thus, who I’m becoming.

As well, for judging wise behavior. Thus, how I’m behaving.

Be Teachable

First, by adopting a growth mindset, I will be intentional about my personal and professional development. Hence, “to know wisdom…” Proverbs 1.2.

Second, I will be willing to accept correction. Thus, “receive instruction” in Proverbs 1.3.

Third, I will be proactive about changing the way I think, as described in Proverbs 1.4.

Fourth, I will actively build discernment through the mentoring of others, Proverbs 1.5.

As presented in this most-basic growth model, the goal of beginning with the end in mind means “to know wisdom.”

Apply This Today!

I can dramatically accelerate my personal and professional growth. How? By choosing a life that’s guided by the precepts.

I choose who I become!

Therefore, I choose to know wisdom!

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Personal Growth is My Passion

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