There is, I believe, a close link between personal integrity and relationships. That is, if I’m not myself in the relationship there will be problems.

Photo of mountains with overhanding fog

Start by building yourself

We typically think of relationship integrity as being honest with the other person. While that’s true, I must be honest with myself first, and know myself, if my relationships are to flourish.


First, build self-awareness and run with your strengths. Know your WHO.
Second, grasp and value your own self-worth.
Third, understand your WHY – your life purpose.

Actually, that’s how we flourish, by identifying and pursuing our God-given life purpose.

As it turns out, that life purpose is grounded deeply in who we are right now, and in who we can become as God transforms us through life events.

That interplay between WHO we are and our WHY – our life purpose – is the essence of lasting and deliberate character transformation.

The value of self-awareness

Most importantly, when we understand our WHO and WHY we are best positioned to build strong relationships with others.

As such, that’s the connection between personal integrity and relationships. Be true to myself first, then true – honest, transparent – with others.

Clearly, that’s why Solomon repeatedly says “give me your heart” in the opening chapters of Proverbs.

He isn’t aiming at the head, thus our logical side. Instead, he wants our character to change.

Proverbs 22.24-25 warns us that we can pick up bad habits from others, so be careful about how, and with whom, we build friendships.

Some Take-Aways

The foundation for my ability to build effective relationships is clarity about WHO I am and what my life purpose is – my WHY. Thus, if I don’t know myself it’s hard to know someone else.

Once I know my WHO and my WHY I am ready to identify my priorities. My priorities are purpose driven.