From Proverbs 1.7 we learn that growth is tied to reverence. Above all, reverence is the first principle! Reverence is the foundation for growth!

Reverence is the base for factual knowledge. However, the foolishly unteachable don’t accept the precepts. Proverbs 1.7 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Reverence is the Foundation
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

My ability to grow is tied to my spirituality.

Fact is, I can grow without reverence.

However, I will see more growth through reverence!

A Growth Process

Growth should be my passion. But, growth requires character change.

Proverbs 1.7 says that, change stems from reverence.

To grow, Proverbs 1.2-9 outlines a process.

It starts with clear thinking.

Then, it addresses sound decisions and wise behavior.

Ultimately, those decisions are grounded in who I am.

Thus, changed behavior is rooted in building character.

Actually, I can grow my ability to think clearly. And decide rationally. Also, to behave wisely. After that, comes character growth.

Most simply, reverence is the foundation for personal growth!

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 1.4-5 as used in the post: Reverence is the Foundation

Reverence – The First Principle

The Proverbs use contrasts as a way to make a point.

Apparently, Proverbs 1.7 is the first of those contrasts.

Reverence contrasts with being foolishly unteachable. Thus, reverence is the most basic of all first principles.

As such, when I sow reverence, I reap factual knowledge.

And, that knowledge is paired with experiential insight to produce wisdom, Proverbs 2.6.

The Starting Point

The word “beginning” in Proverbs 1.7 tells me I’m unformed because I’m a work in progress.

Actually, the word is first used in Genesis 1.1 “In the beginning God created …” As a result, I partner with God to create a new me when I desire “to know wisdom.”

Thankfully, my growth potential isn’t due to my native intelligence.

Additionally, it’s not because of my station in life. And, it doesn’t come from religious practice. What’s more, growth isn’t a chance occurrence.

Instead, my growth is from the unlimited, creative power of the divine!

So, reverence is the foundation for growth!

Leadership Insight

A leader who uses this first principle side-steps many problems. For example, problems like arrogance, over-confidence, and self-worship.

Unfortunately, those problems may arise from life successes that led to the current leadership role!

Reverence is the Foundation

Fortunately, reverence produces in me some basic leadership qualities.

First, they include humility and empathy for others.

Second, appreciation for other viewpoints.

Third, acceptance of diverse skills.

And, finally, patience – with myself and others.

Apply This Today!

Among the precepts, reverence is the first principle!

Also, the precepts are best absorbed by partnering with God.

As a result, that partnership brings character change.

Afterward, I’m ready for clear thinking, sound judgment, and wise behavior.

Therefore, I choose to know wisdom because reverence is the foundation for growth!

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Reverence is the Foundation

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