The commandments in Exodus 20 provide essential life guidance. In fact, we find that the fundamentals are unbending in regard to that familiar “Do – Don’t Do” list.

Key Passage: Exodus 20.12

What’s in it for me is a common question. Especially, when we’re commanded to honor our parents.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of a gazebo

Well, Exodus 20.12 is given with a promise. So, we see God’s blessing connected to our treatment of others.

As such, we learn that the fundamentals are unbending.

Some Insights

Remember, the Second Commandment about idols came with the promise of God’s mercy.

Likewise, this Fifth Commandment regarding treatment of parents promises long life.

God gives a long life to those who respect their parents. Exodus 20.12 paraphrase

An obvious question is the connection between these two commands that follow with a promise.

Well, one possibility is that showing respect speaks to an attentive lifestyle that doesn’t take unnecessary risks.

However, a more practical answer is that God chooses to bless me when I respect the family and authority structure He created.

Actually, the parallel for Exodus 20.12 is Deuteronomy 5.16. There, Moses adds “may go well with you in the (promised) land…”

Proverbs for Professionals photo of a field

In both cases, obedience is rewarded with blessing.

Hence, the fundamentals are unbending, here regarding sowing and reaping. Or, in this case, giving respect and receiving back blessing.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

When I sow obedience to these fundamental precepts I reap divine blessing in my life.

Is There a Way Out?

As expected, those who were legalistic were always looking for a way around the obvious meaning of what God had said.

Hence, the conversation in Matthew 15 about tradition versus commandment.

In Matthew 15.1-9, Christ used Exodus 20.12 as an example of how a lack of care for parents through a flimsy argument reveals hypocrisy. And, a lack of true worship. Also, a desire to make up interpretations that don’t exist in scripture.

Therefore, the root problem for not honoring parents, at least for some, is a lack of true spirituality.

Unfortunately, that root problem is complicated by not understanding the essence of giving and receiving.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 11.24-25 as used in the post: The Fundamentals are Unbending

Apply These Precepts

When I’m obedient to the fundamentals, as outlined by God, I’ll receive blessings in my life from God.

Ultimately, the issue is my right heart attitude before God. Why? Because who I am inside comes out in my treatment of others.

“The Lord make his face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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