Here are two questions for you. First, what do you do for a living? Second, what do you do while you are living? The difference between the two is really important!

This blog post contains my daily LinkedIn entries for March 21 through March 27, 2022.

Dream Big!

Large-scale projects are challenging.

Why? Because they involve huge amounts of planning, resources, and extend across multiple years.

Today’s Observation: We will never attempt anything in life that’s bigger that our dreams. So, view life dreams as a large-scale, life-time project.

From Proverbs 10.4 we learn that the hand of the diligent makes rich! Thus, focus and persistence win the day.

How do I build insight?

Making sense of things can be challenging.

Sense making relies on insight. But from where?

Today’s Observation: We build insight by doing the hard work of reflection, thus using hindsight. In addition, we build insight by looking ahead, thus using foresight.

Proverbs 4.7 says wisdom, in the form of sense making, is “principal.” That is, it’s the beginning of an influential and abundant life.

The trap of people pleasing!

The trap of people pleasing!

People pleasing made me successful – said no one!

Instead, personal integrity is a hinge-point that triggers how I respond to events and pressures such as the opinions of others.

Today’s Observation: When I have integrity I set aside people pleasing. As a result, the good I accomplish is greatly multiplied because I’m living true to myself.

Proverbs 4.23 warns us not to allow our character to erode because it’s the core of our lives.

Decide what’s important!

Decide what’s important!

A purpose-driven life side-steps the trap of no priorities. Thus, living with purpose becomes our measure of success.

Moreover, deciding what’s important enables us to live with purpose, on purpose!

Today’s Observation: When we change our measure of success, we change how we live! On purpose!

In Matthew 13.51-52 we read that those who are discerning share treasure out of their lives – things old and new! What an opportunity to give back as we grow both personally and professionally!

The power of wickedness

The world cannot fully grasp the power of wickedness until it understands the purposeful deception that propels that wickedness into action.

The Precept: From Proverbs 26.26 we learn that a wicked character purposefully tells lies in an attempt to cover up hatred.

Proverbs 16.12 points out that a leader destroys their influence when he/she has no moral center. That lack of integrity shows up as lies, constant anger, blaming others, never taking responsibility for actions, and vicious behavior.

Two questions – one easy, one hard!

Easy: What do you do FOR a living?
Hard: What do you do WHILE you are living?

Proverbs 3.1-4 notes that a balanced life is a source of peace for those who are learners, especially when learning to recognize what’s most essential in regard to relationships.

The rear-view mirror as hindsight!

The rearview mirror is a trailing-edge indicator. It shows what’s behind, thus where we’ve been.

It’s a great example of hindsight.

Conversely, leading-edge indicators involve foresight.

Today’s Observation: Both hindsight and foresight are important. Neither can be used exclusively if we are to be guided by insight.

Proverbs 27.12 teaches that foresight comes from critical thinking. In addition, it teaches that taking appropriate action follows foresight.

To exercise foresight we must:
1). Think critically by examining the evidence
2). Develop foresight about likely outcomes
3). Take action based on that thinking and foresight!