How can I expand my ministry influence? Actually, Barnabas is an example of how to encourage each other and thus be influential.

Proverbs for Professionals image of a small, country church as used in the post: We Should Encourage Each Other

Key Passage: Acts 11.19-26

How can I grow spiritually? And see dramatic growth in my life? Also, how can I expand my ministry influence?

Let’s explore those questions by looking at Barnabas.

Barnabas was a Levite, Acts 4.36. The Levites were descendants of Levi; they assisted the priests in temple worship.

Additionally, his upbringing would have been very strict. You know, both legalistic and a PK all in one!

However, he was a Jew who viewed Christ as the Messiah.

He was generous, Acts 4.37. Also, Barnabas was the first one to recognize the great potential of Paul, Acts 9.26-27. In fact, he took a risk in supporting Paul.

Encourage Each Other

Fundamentally, Barnabas’ spiritual gift was that of encouragement – coming alongside to comfort others.

For examples of encouragement in action see Acts 4.36, Acts 11.23, and Romans 12.8.

His gift of encouragement caused him to be forgiving and to give others a second chance. See Acts 15.36-39.

Although he split with Paul, Acts 15.39, Barnabas significantly influenced John Mark. In turn, John Mark was the writer of the Second Gospel!

Some Insights

Barnabas taught us to act with “purpose of heart”, Acts 11.23, by staying close to the Lord. Thus, Barnabas was focused because he knew what was most essential.

Likewise, God’s purpose for me is to be transformed on the inside. For instance, read Romans 8.29 and Second Timothy 1.9. In fact, God’s purpose should be my life goal.

Most practically, Barnabas’ ministry included encouraging others, Acts 11.23. Also, he taught others, Acts 11.26.

Additionally, his life had significant spiritual impact because “he was a good man who was full of the Holy Spirit and full of faith” Acts 11.24.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Nothing impacts ministry capability more than my spiritual character. And, character comes from inner transformation.

Apply These Precepts

First, my spiritual ministry efforts are multiplied dramatically when “the hand of the Lord” is on those efforts.

Second, multiplication demands that I broaden my world view so that I grow to become the person God can multiply.

Third, my purpose – my life priority, must match the purpose God has for me right now! For some, that purpose is to encourage each other!

“The Lord make His face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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