Fear can cause us to freeze in panic or run away. Neither response is productive! Let’s discuss what to do with our fear.

Photo taken of a field on a very foggy morning

Can We Overcome Fear?

I’m not convinced we overcome fear.

Why? Because some situations play out over a long period of time. Those long-running problems will wear on us!

As such, life’s not as simple as a child jumping into a pool for the first time. Instead, challenges can come from multiple places.

So, What Can We Do?

I’m more comfortable with the idea that we move forward – methodically – despite life challenges.

We move forward, I believe, because the desire to be in a different place is much greater than dreading failure. Or, of inaction.

Consequently, we acknowledge that the fear remains, but our inaction does not!

Back to the original question: What to do with our fear? We move forward despite being fearful!

So, rather than overcome fear we learn to operate in the face of it.

Now, don’t get trapped by the argument that we have too much invested already.

Unfortunately, those in-our-head arguments like this Sunk Cost Fallacy, block us from moving forward.

Proverbs 18.14 paraphrase as used in the post What To Do With Our Fear

Consider An Alternative

When we release those things that hold us back we create capacity in life for grasping that which we deeply desire.

We choose to live somewhere else other than in fear, in despair, in dreams without action, or in frustration.

We must remember that there’s no sowing without casting out, thus releasing, what’s in our hand! As such, releasing is a component of moving forward.

It’s a high-risk strategy to define self-worth by a single life incident or negative outcome. It’s better to give yourself other options – find a path forward. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

We live where we choose to live. So, choose wisely! That place doesn’t have to be fear.

Be careful about what your hanging onto. Is it essential or is it a drag on your personal and professional growth?