Truly, wise choices require sound principles, as taught in Proverbs 13.14. Conversely, without the grounding of sound principles, a leader can easily drift away from making wise choices.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 13.14, as used in the post: Wise Choices Require Sound Principles

The Precept Explained

What’s your yardstick for making decisions? Maybe it’s obeying the law. Or, simply not getting caught!

For some, the standard is basic moral principles that were learned as a child.

Picture of the mountains in North Georgia.
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

For many, it’s a corporate or professional code of conduct. Or, for others the measure is going with their gut.

However, the measuring stick from Proverbs for wise decisions is personal reverence, as guided by the timeless principles in scripture.

Divine Guidance

Thus, in Proverbs 13.14 and 14.27, the foundation for wise choices is divine guidance.

Reverence gives me life and keeps me out of serious trouble. Proverbs 14.27 paraphrase

Now, it’s good to live a moral life that’s guided by a clear conscious. And, to respect the law. Also, to uphold professional standards.

But, the teaching in Proverbs pushes us beyond the good, to the point of right standing with God. In so doing, I’m asked to move my time frame from the immediate to the eternal.

Reverence is the base for factual knowledge. However, the foolishly unteachable don’t accept the precepts. Proverbs 1.7 paraphrase

Moreover, I believe, this divine standard and eternal time perspective differentiate Proverbs from other writings that are part of the personal growth literature.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

The Proverbs are unique as a body of leadership guidance because of the focus on reverence.

Causes of Drifting

Actually, both Proverbs 13.14 and 14.27 mention a snare or trap. Thus, they suggest the need to be aware.

In fact, I can be trapped by:

1). Careless words, Proverbs 18.7.

2). Also, by hypocritical actions, Proverbs 20.25.

3). Similarly, by picking up bad habits from others, Proverbs 22.25.

4). Occasionally, I’m snared by my own wrong-doing, Proverbs 29.6.

5). Or, by the intimidation of others, Proverbs 29.25.

Wise Choices Require Sound Principles

That said, when I avoid these and other traps, I position myself for principles-based decision making, as outlined in the following diagram.

Proverbs for Professionals diagram of Principles-based Decision Making as used in the post: Wise Choices Require Sound Principles

Leadership Insight

An impactful leader must work from an appropriate set of life principles. Why? Because without that foundation the leader can drift.

Proverbs for Professionals Leadership Essentials graphic as used in the post" Wise Choices Require Sound Principles

Unfortunately, the pressures from such drifting come from both inside and outside the leader. Hence, the traps of professional life.

Therefore, to be remembered as a leader who consistently acts with integrity, adopt a sound foundation for making decisions. Because, wise choices require sound principles.

In addition, the leader must be watchful of his or her character to avoid drifting away from the center of a sound, moral standard.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 4.23 as used in the post: Wise Choices Require Sound Principles

Apply This Today!

Impactful leaders guard their character, Proverbs 4.23, because of the serious consequences that come from drifting.

An impactful leader carefully chooses a sound foundation for making decisions in order to avoid serious consequences later.

So remember, wise choices require sound principles.

Now, review the items listed under the sub-heading “Causes of Drifting.” Then, identify where you’re most vulnerable. Finally, remind yourself to beware of this possible failure point as you look for ways to change that behavior.

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