Proverbs 4.23 warns me to protect my character above all else because it drives what comes out of my life. Thus, a just character is essential.
Above all else, guard your heart. Why? Because your character determines what flows out of your life! Proverbs 4.23 paraphrase
The Precept Explained
I must guard my character because it’s the essence of who I am.
Moreover, who I am at my core drives what I say and what I do.
And, fortunately or unfortunately, I get that way through conscious choice.
Hence, the warning in Proverbs 4.23 to “guard my heart…”
As a result, I have discretion in what I say and do.
Guard My Character From What?
Ok, I’m to guard my character. But, from what?
Well, attacks on my character include: lying to protect myself or others, taking a bribe, or cutting corners to see what I can get away with.
Additionally, protecting my character guards against being overly critical, hypocritical, legalistic, or unmerciful.
Character erosion happens slowly. Thus, I don’t notice how far I’ve slipped until there’s a major blow-up.
Outcomes of Guarding My Character
In turn, a guarded character avoids problems with what I say, Proverbs 4.24. Specifically, it avoids being difficult to deal with. And argumentative. Also, obstinate and stubborn.
Unfortunately, all these negative traits are reflected in what I say. In fact, Proverbs 6.12 identifies perverse or corrupt speech as evidence of a bad character.
In addition, a just character guides my doing, as explained in Proverbs 4.25-27. As such, a just character is essential to being goal focused and to executing my life strategy.
Apply this Today!
To improve life outcomes, I should focus on building a just character rather than simply changing my daily habits.
Likewise, I guard my character from erosion by making conscious choices to do right.
Therefore, I change my life by changing myself!
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