Being growth focused builds leadership capability. Likewise, being goal focused enables leaders to move forward with great clarity. As such, impactful leaders are growth and goal focused.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 4.18 as used in the post: Impactful Leaders Are Both Growth and Goal Focused

Growth and Goals

Is it more important to be growth focused or goal focused?

Should I focus on the end point, thus the outcome. Conversely, should I emphasize the process, thus the journey?

Well, I think the answer is a resounding Yes! In fact, the Proverbs balance growth and goals.

Interestingly, Proverbs 4.18 combines a growth focus and goal focus. Thus, “path of the just” indicates process and growth. However, “shining light” and “perfect day” indicate an end point and therefore a goal.

By the way, the Hebrew word translated “perfect” is also translated as “established” (e.g., 1 Kings 2.12) and “prepared” (e.g., 2 Chronicles 8.16).

Therefore, when I commit my life work to the Lord, my desires or life purposes are set or established by God Himself, Proverbs 16.3 and Psalm 37.5.

Being Growth Focused

Proverbs begins by encouraging us to grow, saying “To know wisdom, and be teachable, and to gain insight” Proverbs 1.2.

Moreover, growth through being precept-driven is the “principal thing” Proverbs 4.7.

A growth focus suggests a routine for absorbing the precepts. Hence, knowing.

As well, a growth focus suggests a routine for applying the precepts. Hence, doing.

However, I must invest effort in becoming precept-driven, according to Proverbs 18.1.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 18.1 as used in the post: Impactful Leaders Are Both Growth and Goal Focused

A vision for who I can become, through personal growth, propels me toward a fulfilled life, Proverbs 29.18.

Unsurprisingly, the precepts are one source of that enlightenment, Proverbs 6.23.

As it turned out, late in life, Solomon reflected on his desire for personal growth, saying “I focused my character development on being precept-driven” Ecclesiastes 1.17.

Thus, even 3,000 years ago, a growth mindset was considered fundamental for a productive life.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

A growth focus builds capability by adding new tools into my toolbox of leadership skills!

Being Goal Focused

That said, Solomon also gave instruction about being goal focused.

For instance, see Proverbs 4.25-27. Basically, it says:

1). Focus on a goal, Proverbs 4.25.

2). Plan carefully as you pursue the goal, Proverbs 4.26, and

3). Don’t get distracted while executing the plan, Proverbs 4.27.

Most practically, I should ponder or deliberate about where I’m going, Proverbs 4.26, because God is pondering or examining what I’m doing, Proverbs 5.21!

In short, impactful leaders are growth and goal focused.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

A growth focus builds leadership capability. Whereas, a goal focus propels a leader forward with great clarity.

Leadership Insight

Most practically, I’ll never invest in personal and professional growth absent some sense of value added. Thus, I must have a vision for who I can become.

Similarly, I’ll not pursue a goal unless I believe goal accomplishment is beneficial. Thus, I must have a belief or confidence in what I can accomplish.

I believe an abundance mindset provides a leader the ability to envision the value added of both growth and goals.

Abundance in Practice

As it turns out, one place an abundance mindset is addressed is Proverbs 11.24-25. The verses speak of scattering and increase.

Thus, the sow-reap mental model. If you have ever been in direct sales you know the importance of sowing in the form of prospecting for new clients.

In addition, the abundance precept speaks of risk and reward. And, it addresses giving and receiving back. That giving mentality produces a rich life, Proverbs 13.7.

Likewise, we see this abundance principle of giving and receiving in Luke 6.38: “Give and it will be given to you … you get back in proportion to how you give.”

In short, leaders who are afraid to invest and to take risks see no gain. Conversely, an abundance outlook returns increase. That leader’s life becomes a blessing to others.

More narrowly, leaders who don’t invest in their own professional and personal growth are limiting their career advancement.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Leaders who have an abundance mindset are both growth and goal oriented because they see the value returned.

Most critically, the value returned is measured by the impact a leader has on others.

In summary, impactful leaders are growth and goal focused.

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