flowers in spring

Examples of Impactful Leadership

I’m using the term “impactful leaders” on purpose. The various leadership definitions and descriptive terms are fine, but I want to focus on outcomes, hence impact. What follows are some examples of impactful leadership. Let’s Define Leadership I realize there are multiple definitions of leadership. Often, the definitions focus on terms such as influence, accomplishment, […]

Positioned for Multiplication

I’m positioned for multiplication through personal growth. That is, I’m ready for opportunities when they come because of leadership skills built earlier. The Precept Explained How often do you get more than you bargained for? What were times when your expectations were exceeded? Perhaps these outcomes aren’t common when receiving commodity services. However, I become […]

Good Character is Self-satisfying

Proverbs 14.14 contrasts poor character and a good character. Most importantly, it suggests that, ultimately, good character is self-satisfying. The Precept Explained What hasn’t worked well for you in the past? Next, do you, do I, recognize these inappropriate response patterns when they happen? Then, do we look for ways to change these destructive patterns? […]

Good Character Makes Wise Choices

Ecclesiastes 10.3 teaches that good character makes wise choices. Moreover, good character is a deliberate choice I make! The Precept Explained What do you tend to notice more in others, good choices or bad choices? Unfortunately, we tend to remember bad choices by leaders. In fact, we’re often less interested in “Good to Great” than […]