Impactful leaders learn from Proverbs 28.20 that slow-and-steady wins the race. Moreover, impactful leaders are patient regarding their own professional growth.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 28.20 from the post: Impactful Leaders Are Patient

Get Rich Quick!

It should come as no surprise that the Proverbs take a dim view of get-rick-quick schemes.

For example, Proverbs 28.20 contrasts get-rich-quick with dependable and trustworthy actions. Similarly, Proverbs 28.22 says the greedy want to get-rich-quick.

Additionally, Proverbs 20.21 says quick wealth is not blessed. And, one more, from Proverbs 13.11, which says that get-rich-quick schemes are empty.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 13.11 as used in the post: Impactful Leaders are Patient

Sustainable Abundance

Thus, repeatedly, the Proverbs point out how temporal get-rich-quick is. In addition, the Proverbs note the long-term value of a slow-and-steady approach to growth because we should desire sustainable abundance.

Guess what, you can work hard, become rich, but still have nothing! Conversely, you can give away all of yourself and have abundant riches! Proverbs 13.7 paraphrase

Ultimately, wealth without a spiritual foundation is no wealth at all. For support of this idea, see Proverbs 13.7, Proverbs 15.16, and Proverbs 22.1.

Actually, it’s better to have little and be reverent than to have great treasure and be troubled by that wealth. Proverbs 15.16 paraphrase

Thus, my spiritual life is truly sustainable abundance.

Listen, a good reputation and the grace of God on my life, are more desirable than great wealth! Proverbs 22.1 paraphrase

Where To Start

As it turns out, moving slowly and steadily often means starting small.

Thus, whether building a business or growing professionally, I usually start with limited assets.

In fact, this is boot-strapping 101!

So, where to start? In other words, where do I invest my limited resources?

Again, no surprise here from the Proverbs.

For starters, in Proverbs 24.27 we read that we should invest first in revenue-producing assets. Afterward, we can think about creature comforts.

In addition, according to Proverbs 27.23-24, if you’re diligent you’ll keep close tabs on revenue-producing assets because “wealth isn’t permanent!”

Unsurprisingly, a conservative approach to growth involves foresight combined with appropriate responses to threats, Proverbs 22.3, as repeated in Proverbs 27.12.

Where Not To Start!

In contrast, the careless or shallow-minded ignore warnings, Proverbs 22.3. Instead, they just push ahead.

Proverbs for Professionals image insert as used in the post: Impactful Leaders are Patient

Plus, they’re naive, Proverbs 14.15. You know, they believe every conspiracy theory they read on the Internet!

As a result, the simple-minded have all sorts of problems, Problems 14.18, mostly from a lack of knowledge! Thus, don’t be that leader – don’t be shallow-minded!

Likewise, don’t get sucked into get-rich-quick schemes because impactful leaders are patient about growing wealth.

Leadership Insight

Well, these warnings from the Proverbs obviously apply to new business formation. Also, these precepts fit well with growing personal wealth.

For example, quick run-ups in a stock price are often based on investor exuberance. However, where there’s no sustainable business model the valuations will eventually fall to earth!

In other cases, there’s just plain old fraud, such as deliberately overstating sales and earnings. But fact is, you can only evade the auditors for so long!

Patient With Personal Development

That said, I would like to focus on personal growth, rather than on building an enterprise.

Remember, personal growth was Solomon’s goal as stated in Ecclesiastes 1.17 “I gave my heart to know wisdom…”

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image.

Practically, I believe personal growth requires a slow-and-steady mindset because it involves both resilience and persistence.

As such, you no doubt have heard how personal growth doesn’t occur in a day but should happen daily. Also, you’ve heard that growth occurs outside my comfort zone.

Likewise, growth doesn’t happen in a straight line. Instead, it’s crooked. Also slow. Plus, it’s messy and hard!

In addition, I must be intentional about my personal growth!

Ok, I get all that!

The Goal

But, what’s the outcome of persistent and intentional personal growth?

Well, over time as I’m persistent in my personal growth I’ll witness change. Thus, I’ll see myself growing in those areas where I’m intentionally seeking to improve.

Moreover, as that process continues, I’ll grow in self-awareness to the point that I recognize where I add value.

Often, that recognition is expressed in a value statement, which includes:

1). Qualifications,

2). A target audience,

3). Services offered to the audience, and

4). Benefits returned to that audience.

For example, here’s the value statement for this blog:

I’m an experienced leader and Bible teacher who helps growth-oriented professionals intentionally absorb and apply universal precepts, so they become wise hearted and wise behaving.

Actually, another way to view a value statement is to recognize the highest point of contribution I make to myself, others, and the organization(s) I serve.

Focused Expertise

In short, I become keenly aware of, and actively use, the focused expertise I have developed. But remember, that focused expertise emerges over an extended period of time as I persistently and intentionally grow.

Another reminder; this multi-year study of Proverbs was part of my intentional effort to grow personally and professionally. In parallel, I was growing in my self-awareness as a result of those intentional efforts.

However, the value statement above emerged after three-plus years of study and application. Thus, it took time. Or, maybe I’m really slow! … Nevertheless …

Apply This Today!

In my opinion, focused expertise as expressed in a value statement is different from self-awareness and other growth traits because focused expertise comes after those other traits have developed.

Wherefore, impactful leaders are patient regarding their own personal and professional growth.

Proverbs for Professionals signature block with photo of the author

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