I must first understand my life purpose. Then, I actively pursue it by setting goals. As a result, that goal focus accomplishes life purpose.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 19,21 as used in the post: Goal Focus Accomplishes Life Purpose

Life Purpose

It’s good to have a clearly-determined life purpose. Hence, the observation: Decisive thoughts and purposeful actions bring abundance! Proverbs 21.5 paraphrase.

However, it’s better if I commit that life purpose to the Lord for His divine guidance.

For example, read the father and son observations, first in Psalm 37.5, which parallels: God blesses purposes and efforts that I commit to Him! Proverbs 16.3 paraphrase.

But, it’s best if my life purpose is revealed to me by God Himself.

Basically, when my life purpose is set by God it’s perfected or fully-formed. However, that occurs over time. Hence: Divine guidance produces increasing clarity as I progress toward God’s ultimate purpose for my life. Proverbs 4.18 paraphrase.

For an example, read what Joseph said about his life purpose, as an adult, in Genesis 50.19-20: I am where God put me…He intended it for good.

Then, pair that with Joseph’s earlier statement in Genesis 41.32: these coming events are determined by God.

Also, from early in the reign of Solomon, read First Kings 2.12. Solomon was in the right place at the right time – for him – because of God’s divine intervention in his life.

Moreover, Solomon clearly verbalized that divine purpose: God made me king! First Kings 2.24 paraphrase.

Identifying Life Purpose

How can I best prepare myself to identify my life purpose?

Well, what follows are some simple strategies. Each reference uses the Hebrew word that’s translated prepared, or ready, or established. Thus, to prepare myself, I should:

1). Accept good advice and ignore the bad, Proverbs 16.12, 20.18, and 25.5

2). Be just, thus avoid giving special treatment, Proverbs 1.3, 2.9, and 29.14

3). Ditch my foolish overconfidence, Proverbs 19.29, because it’s so destructive, Proverbs 26.1-12

4). Discern the truth, Proverbs 12.19. Pair this with First Kings 3.9 and Deuteronomy 13.14. And,

5). Act on what I already know, Proverbs 4.18 by being ready to move forward, Exodus 19.11 and 19.15.

But remember, moving forward involves focus and execution.

Executing on Life Purpose

Later in his career, Solomon would share experiential insight about strategic planning, in Proverbs 4.25-27. Therefore, intentional strategy moves us forward toward our life purpose.

Conversely, we don’t just happen into our life purpose!

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 4.25-27 as used in the post: Goal Focus Accomplishes Life Purpose

In short, leaders are to be goal focused, plan thoughtfully, and not get distracted along the way. Hence, goal focus accomplishes life purpose.

In fact, Solomon emphasized the importance of carefully-selected goals. Also, he stressed persistent execution in reaching those goals.

Thus, from the universal precepts, we see how life goals and a just character form the core from which we operate. Then, around that core, I execute on my divinely-revealed life purpose.

Proverbs for Professionals diagram for Goal Setting and Goal Execution as used in the post: Goal Focus Accomplishes Life Purpose

Multiplication of Life Purpose

Once I understand my life purpose, I can pursue the life outcomes God desires. In so doing, I position myself for God to multiply the work I’m doing.

For instance, Solomon experienced multiplication of his efforts as king, according to Second Chronicles 7.11 and 8.16.

Similarly, Isaac’s life was a great example of this dramatic and divine multiplication of work efforts. Hence, Genesis 26:12: He sowed and received a 100-fold return.

However, for Isaac, that dramatic, one-year return was just the beginning!

In fact, that great year was the beginning of a lengthy time of personal growth, according to Genesis 26.13.

During that period of growth, Isaac persisted over a number of significant challenges to be dramatically blessed by God.

God’s blessing brought Isaac multiplication and greatness. He was great. He grew personally to become greater. Ultimately, Isaac was exceedingly great! Genesis 26.13 paraphrase.

Leadership Insight

Practically, there are several prerequisites before a leader can have the desired impact as he or she fulfills life purpose.

First, an impactful leader must be teachable instead of hardheaded and opinionated. Closely paired with a teachable spirit is humility because arrogance is destructive.

Second, the leader must be just and equitable. Else, the leader falls into the dual traps of giving special treatment and responding to special interests.

Third, impactful leaders are discerning about both possible motives and likely outcomes. Thus, they can see below the surface. And, they can see around the corner. In so doing, the leader recognizes what’s true.

Most critically, as a person of faith, I’m motivated to act decisively on what God has given me to do because that’s my life purpose.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

For me, divine purpose is my truth! Also for me, goal focus accomplishes life purpose!

Conversely, I must not draw back in fear; see Genesis 26.24.

Additionally, I shouldn’t refuse to move forward because I lack the motivation to engage in the leadership duties God has revealed to me!

Instead, through decisive action, I position myself for dramatic and divine multiplication of my life efforts!

Proverbs for Professionals signature block with photo of the author

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