Understanding the precepts of wisdom isn’t a human skill because it’s based on reverence. Hence, wisdom is fundamentally spiritual, as explained in Proverbs 2.6.

Reverence for the Lord opens to me the precepts of wisdom. Proverbs 2.6a paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Wisdom is Spiritual
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

A life based on the universal precepts is grounded in Lordship and listening.

Fortunately, it’s not about how smart I am!

Instead, the universal precepts are a gift to me from God Himself, Proverbs 2.6a: “the Lord gives wisdom …”

Moreover, those universal truths are verbal: “… out of His mouth …” Again, it’s not dependent on my mental capacity but on my willingness to listen and to change!

The Precepts and Growth

Interestingly, my willingness to absorb the precepts impacts my personal and professional growth trajectory.

In fact, the more deeply I’m engaged in absorbing the universal precepts the more I will grow!

My personal and professional growth is like a buried treasure. So then, I sell everything to buy that field! Matthew 13.44 paraphrase

Building Insights

In Proverbs 2.2, I’m encouraged to wholehearted apply my character to absorbing experiential insights: “apply your heart to understanding.”

Then, experiential insight moves me beyond what I know because factual knowledge isn’t enough for a leader.

More practically, as I gain insight I learn what I can do with what I know.

In short, here’s the insight-building process:

First, I’m growth oriented and teachable, Proverbs 2.1.

Second, I actively engage in absorbing the precepts, Proverbs 2.2, by asking for insight, Proverbs 2.3.

Third, through an abundance mindset, I deeply value the treasure that is available if I’m willing to seek it, Proverbs 2.4.

Finally, the outcome of this process, as explained in Proverbs 2.5, is spiritual discernment!

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

I position myself to receive the gift of wisdom by building experiential insights.

Apply This Today!

Truly, who I am personally and professionally drives what I hear, what I choose to believe, and thus who I am becoming!

As it turns out, engaging in the wisdom-building process is a deliberate choice I make.

And, wisdom is fundamentally spiritual.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Wisdom is Spiritual

What do you think? Send me a comment: larrydaleyoung@gmail.com