In Proverbs 2.1-2 I’m told to be growth oriented because absorbing the precepts builds insights. As a result, I can apply life experiences most effectively.

If you absorb the precepts into your heart you will develop experiential insight. Proverbs 2.1-2 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals picture of the mountains as used in the post: Absorbing the Precepts Builds Insights
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

I choose wisely when I choose personal growth based on the universal precepts of wisdom, Proverbs 2.1.

In addition, this transformation isn’t simply a mental exercise because in Proverbs 2.2 I’m asked to “apply (my) heart”, thus change my character.

Therefore, I’m encouraged to be a learner by embedding these precepts into my life.

In fact, this conversation in Proverbs 2 is a conversation between a parent and an adult child, based on the topic at the end of the same Chapter.

As such, this instruction can be generalized to a mentor and mentee. And, Lesson One here is “Think Before You Act” by learning from experiences.

Sound Content

Specifically, Proverbs 2.1 uses the word “commandments.”

There, the Hebrew word mitzvah (mitzvot plural) means a commandment given by God as a moral imperative.

As such, there are 613 mitzvot in Jewish tradition. They’re the first principles that are passed down from generation to generation – from parent to child.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image as used in the post: Absorbing the Precepts Builds Insights

What’s passed down from one generation to the next are the basics – the first principles – for sound behavior and a good life.

Commonly, mitzvah means a good deed. Thus, I find ways to practically apply these precepts in serving others.

From the law, Deuteronomy 30.16, I’m asked to keep the “…commandments (mitzvah), statutes (chuqqah), and (God’s) judgments… (mishpat).”

As a result, that choice brings me God’s blessings.

Hence, the directive in Deuteronomy 30.19: “therefore choose life…” Thus, what’s implied here is a relationship between me and God when I choose wisely.

As a result of that relationship, I learn that absorbing the precepts builds insights.

Apply This Today!

A growth-oriented leader focuses his or her professional development on precept-based, practical insights by “…directing your heart to understanding.”

Most essentially, growth involves sound content – the precepts, and intentional application of that content to transforming my character.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author from the post: Absorbing the Precepts Builds Insights

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