According to Proverbs 2.9, discernment impacts my decisions and thus, my behavior. As such, discernment fuels sound decisions.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 2.9 as used in the post: Discernment Fuels Sound Decisions

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Discernment Fuels Sound Decisions
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

Discernment is an outcome.

First, of reverence, Proverbs 1.7 and 2.5. Then, of growing wisdom, Proverbs 1.2 and 2.2.

In turn, discernment affects my decisions. And, my behavior, Proverbs 2.9. But especially in how I treat others.

In short, discernment fuels sound decisions because it allows me to see below the surface and to be fair.

But First …

However, the three “ifs” in Proverbs 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4 speak to being teachable, my desire, and my values.

In other words:

1). Can I be corrected?

2). Do I want to grow?

3). Do I value wisdom above all else?

So then, these three attitudes come before discernment.

But, when these three line up, the result is a discerning character, Proverbs 2.5 and 2.9. As such, this outcome is indicated by the word “Then.”

Here’s the pattern:

First, I intentionally and wholeheartedly accumulate experiential insights, Proverbs 2.2-3.

Second, I get back from God the gift of wisdom, Proverbs 2.6, wrapped up as a discerning character.

Third, that discernment fuels sound decisions.

Apply This Today

It’s important for me as a leader to be a life-time learner because growth is essential for adapting to changing situations.

Therefore, a leader must deeply desire personal and professional growth, holding it as a fundamental value.

Similarly, I purposefully build insights from daily experiences. In turn, those experiences are the raw material needed to become more discerning as a decision maker.

Finally, I must be wise about what I allow to influence me.

Fortunately, the precepts are universal and time-tested. Thus, the precepts are a great way to build discernment and thus make sound decisions.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Discernment Fuels Sound Decisions

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