Where I live has a significant impact on how I live. Thus, the question: Am I living What If or What Now? Read this post to learn the critical difference between these two.

The Essentials

What keeps me trapped in a What If life? You know, where I constantly replay in my head What If I had said or done things differently.

Invariably, it’s something that happened in the past. But, my goal isn’t to learn from the experience, then move on. Instead, I’m trapped in an endless cycle of speculation and wishing.

So why? Because I’m drawn to a What If mindset so I can avoid the hard work of dealing with What Now. Thus, not having to make the demanding choices involved with taking the next step in life.

Truly, if I live in the past, I don’t have to grapple with personal growth, and identification of life purpose, that accompanies the What Now of moving forward.

Negative self-talk about yesterday’s shortcomings doesn’t propel me forward toward success today! proverbsforprofessionals.net

The Precept

Proverbs 23.7 warns that, for better or worse, we become what we focus on. Therefore, be careful about the self-talk, especially negative self-talk. Why? Because the negativity erodes my self-worth. Worse yet, What If detracts my attention from productive activities that lead to personal and professional growth.

The Precept: Discernment, sense making, and carefully selected life values enable me to focus my mental energies and soul desire on character development. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

Actually, it’s a fundamental truth that to live in the present I must identify, and then work with, those things I can control.

Conversely, I must stop wasting time on what’s out of my control. You know, like What If!

I move forward by being present. And by being hopeful. Also, by engaging in the What Now of life!

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