Goal setting begins with reflection. Then, for the New Year, begin with who by examining desires and motives.

Reflecting on the Past Year

One way to Begin With Who is to reflect on the past year.

JPG image with the title Studies in Proverbs

For me, 2021 was a great learning experience. I’ve been struck by one critical thought.

Who I am, as well as who I am becoming, is largely the outcome of who I choose to believe I am.

That is, my mindset influences much of what I perceive. Then, those perceptions help set the tone of what I share with others.

At the time of this post that sharing consists of weekday LinkedIn posts plus a weekly blog.

Therefore, the more I grasp about an abundance mindset the greater the potential value, and deeper the possible impact, of what I give away each day.

Truly, mindset drives what I perceive. In turn, that seeing impacts what I believe. Finally, seeing and believing influence who I am.

JPG image of a paraphrase of Proverbs 11.24-25

An Abundance Mindset

Although mindset is as established part of the personal growth literature, the abundance mindset is an ancient principle.

For example, Proverbs 11.24 teaches that scattering brings increase. Thus, as we scatter or give away, we experience increase or gain. How so? Well, in the way be bless others through that sharing.

The next verse, Proverbs 11.25 notes that blessing is returned to us when it says it is soul satisfying to bless others. Moreover, when we water others by sharing, we are watered ourselves.

Here, we see an early application of the precept “give and it will be given (back) to you” as used in Luke 6.38. As such, we receive back in proportion to how we give out to others.

Now, one added reference, also from Proverbs. In Proverbs 13.7 we read a comparison. We can make ourselves rich yet have nothing, or we can make ourselves poor and have great riches. In other words, a life that shares by giving receives back in great abundance.

Because of deliberate choices we make, our life story isn’t simply “where we came from and who we were back then.” Instead, with an abundance mindset, our life story becomes “how much and how generously we are blessing others!” proverbsforprofessionals.net

For the New Year, Begin With Who

So, before I set goals for the coming year, I must take a hard look at who I am. Again, why? Because my character – my being – is the core from which I work toward life purpose, as well as goal accomplishment.

In fact, I should protect my character above all else according to Proverbs 4.23. Why so? Because, without that sound foundation, our goals may be self-serving.

Image with a statement about life purpose and character

Where Desire Fits In

Desire, or personal motivation, can be internal or external.

Regardless, desire moves me toward goal accomplishment. Consequently, desire is the connecting point between:

1). My character – who I am, and

2). My life goals – what I want to accomplish during a given season of my life.

In this way, desire reflects what I value most in my life. Additionally, desire – when accomplished, brings deep, inner satisfaction according to Proverbs 13.19.

Conversely, when goal accomplishment is delayed we can become frustrated, as explained in Proverbs 13.12.

Therefore, I should carefully select my goals and check my motivations about reaching those goals. Now, we’re ready to discuss goal execution. That is, the doing.

The Basics of Execution

Certainly, goal setting is important. But, goals are of little value without a process for execution.

In other words, execution is critical. With that said, here’s a classic framework for goal execution that appears in Proverbs 4.25-27:

  • First, focus on the goals you’ve set already.
  • Then, use careful deliberation as to how you will reach those goals.
  • Finally, be very persistent in execution of actions toward reaching the goals.

Stay focused! Be deliberative! Execute persistently! proverbsforprofessionals.net

First – Stay Focused

Step One, Proverbs 4.25, is to look straight ahead. But, ahead at what? Well, at the goal! Thus, at the end-point. Yes, this is simply “begin with the end in mind.”

Second – Be Deliberative

Step Two, Proverbs 4.26, is to think carefully – to ponder – how I’ll get to where I want to go. Therefore, I’m to be intentional or deeply thoughtful as I move forward.

I’m to be proactive. In short, think before you act! Actually, it’s good to have a goal. However, it’s not good if I’m careless about identifying the steps needed to accomplish that goal.

Third – Execute Persistently

Step Three, Proverbs 4.27, says don’t get distracted. Therefore, we read don’t turn to the right or to the left.

Instead of being distracted, I’m to execute so I reach the goal. In other words, “put first things first.” It’s counter productive to be easily distracted from execution.

JPG image entitled Living Life On Purpose

Apply This Today!

When we live in the weeds of distraction we’re going to struggle with goal accomplishment. The solution? Stop trying to do it all!

When we are hard-headed and thus are poor listeners, we’ll struggle with goal execution because we’re unaware of changes going on around us.

Remember, goal execution is closely linked to character – who I am deep inside.

For the new year, begin with who. When I begin with who my goals will reach hearts and not simply the heads of those I influence.