Impactful Leaders Are Energetic

Impactful leaders are goal focused. Moreover, they pursue goals with all they have. Thus, impactful leaders are energetic. Energetic Leadership What are some characteristics of an energetic leader? Most likely, you’ll think of descriptors such as hard working, committed, optimistic, motivated toward a goal, enthusiastic, and motivational. In short, I’m using the term energetic to […]

Wisdom Produces Sustainable Abundance

Wisdom makes a remarkable claim about itself. It says: wisdom produces sustainable abundance! Moreover, that abundance is of ultimate value to a leader because it’s better than material wealth. In fact, the abundance of wisdom brings a leader honor. Also, wisdom produces in a leader good judgment. Wherefore, wisdom produces sustainable abundance. The Precept Explained: […]

Desire Accomplished is Life-giving

Proverbs 13.12 contrasts waiting and accomplishing. Or, heart-sickness and life. In short, it states that desire accomplished is life-giving. Deep desire, when achieved, is life giving. Whereas, delayed achievement makes me heart sick. Proverbs 13.12 paraphrase The Precept Explained Accomplishing a deeply desired goal is incredibly satisfying, according to Proverbs 13.12. More so, it seems, […]