It’s great to have desire, but we must do something about that vision! Let’s discuss why you must pursue your vision.

Photo of clouds sitting below the mountain tops, as used in the post: Pursue Your Vision.

Vision Plus What?

Visualization is powerful. It drives us forward.

However, a vision isn’t an end point!

Instead, it’s simply a dream. A thought – with no action attached.

In short, being unmotivated is deadly!

For impact, our vision must be paired with intentional actions built on a solid plan.

Moreover, those actions are supported by agility, determination, wise counsel, passion, and a deep sense of self-worth.

Consequently, it’s insufficient to have a goal or a vision. And, it’s not enough to have desire.

Why? Because vision must be paired with both effort and a just character if we’re to enjoy productive change in our lives!

It’s not enough to recognize what’s happening, because, to add value, our recognition must be paired with conclusions and actions.

The Precept

In Proverbs 21.25-26 we read how an unmotivated person has desire, hence a vision.

Ok, what’s the problem?

Well, the problem is that desire eats away at them because they don’t act on their vision!

Therefore, we must understand that we can envision a future self all we want.

But, unless we move beyond where we are in life right now, NOTHING is ever going to change!

Change how? Change in regard to WHO we are – right now, and WHERE we are in life – right now!

A lazy person has desire but no motivation. As a result, his persistent greed literally eats him up! Conversely, a just person is generous. Proverbs 21.25-26 paraphrase.

Apply This Today!

Some Encouragement: Don’t get trapped by fear or by endless planning. Instead, move forward toward your envisioned self.

Inner longing, without intentional movement toward your desired self, is empty and unproductive.

In fact, desire that conflicts with who I am at my core, for example if I’m unmotivated, will eat me up inside. What to do? Pursue your vision!

Finally, a question: Reflection and self-awareness build vision. What practices enable you to take action on your envisioned self?