In Proverbs 21.25 we read a warning about laziness. As such, being unmotivated is deadly. Worse yet, you can want things but not pursue your desire!

A lazy person has desire but no motivation. As a result, his persistent greed literally eats him up! Conversely, a just person is generous. Proverbs 21.25-26 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains from the post: Being Unmotivated is Deadly
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

From Proverbs 21.25 we learn a lazy person has desire but no motivation to act on that desire.

Then, in the next verse, we read that root cause is persistent greed, Proverbs 21.26.

Actually, longing without intentional movement toward that desired state is empty and unproductive.

In fact, desire that conflicts with who I am at my core, in this case unmotivated, will eat me up inside.

So, being unmotivated is deadly.

Conversely, according to Proverbs 18.1, deep desire that’s combined with significant effort produces results.

Moreover, that accomplishment is highly satisfying, Proverbs 13.19.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

It’s not enough to have a goal. And, not enough to have desire. Why? Because they must be paired with both effort and a just character!

Desire and Greed

Interesting, I think, is the word usage in Proverbs 21.25-26.

As such, the Hebrew word for desire in Proverbs 21.25 is the same word that’s used for greedily in Proverbs 21.26!

The takeaway, I believe, is that over-desire becomes destructive. Whereas, desire itself isn’t the problem.

In contrast, the last phrase of verse 26 points out the importance of a right character that generously gives back to others.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 10.24 as used in the post: Being Unmotivated is Deadly

Apply this Today!

Being disengaged from life leaves me in a deadly place because I have longing. However, I never move forward toward accomplishing that longing!

Hence, the quality of my character is a key factor in my ability to accomplish life goals.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author from the post: Being Unmotivated is Deadly

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