The language of faith includes terms like holy, sanctification, and eternal life. This lesson series examines characteristics of God in relation to these terms. For instance, in this lesson we look at how a loving God saves me by faith.

Proverbs for Professionals picture of a small, country church as used in the post: A Loving God Saves Me by Faith

Key Passage: Romans 3.19-31

In Romans 3 Paul argues that we can never be perfect enough to be right with God (Romans 3.19-20).

Instead, by God’s grace, our righteousness is through faith in Him (Romans 3.21-24).

What’s more, salvation by faith isn’t some new doctrine because it predates the law and the prophets (Romans 3.21)!

Faith is effective because Christ became the full payment for our sins (Romans 3.25). As a result, believers are viewed by God as just or righteous (Romans 3.26). Wherefore, a loving God saves me by faith.

Some Insights

Paul concludes that we have nothing to brag about (Romans 3.27) because we are all made right with God by our faith in God (Romans 3.28).

Thus, we don’t get to write our own rules or create our own definition of being right with God (see Romans 10.3).

Additionally, Jews and Christians worship the same God (Romans 3.29), Yahweh – who is the one, true God (Romans 3.30).

That God makes both Jews and non-Jews right with him the same way – by personal faith (Romans 3.30).

Abraham was declared righteousness by the Lord because of his faith in the Lord! Genesis 15.6 paraphrase

All that said, a life of faith doesn’t set aside or bypass the law. Instead, my faith confirms the validity of the law (Romans 3.31).

Apply These Precepts

If works really worked, then I could work myself into being right with God!

We know that about salvation. However, do we forget that the just should “live by faith”?

In fact, the failure of works should eliminate much of my human pride.

Therefore, it would be great if it could cut out my self-righteousness because a loving God saves me by faith!

“The Lord make his face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

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