If you don’t like your life outcomes then make a change. But change demands action. Let’s discuss that action.

Photo taken on a foggy morning, as used in the post Change Demands Action

Dealing With What Is

So, have you ever said: “I HATE MY LIFE!” Yes, in all caps!!

If so, then change it! That is, take action to change your life outcomes.

Ha, that’s easy for me to say!

A precept-driven character can tell right from wrong. That’s the essence of discernment according to 1 Kings 3.9proverbsforprofessionals.net

How Do I Get There?

To change your life outcomes, use the following time-tested pattern:

1). Wise counsel + discernment support critical thinking

2). Critical thinking -> Good judgment -> Sound decisions

3). Sound decisions -> Improved life outcomes

As such, stop whining. Instead, start listening to good advice in the form of wise counsel!

The Wisdom Process as used in the post Change Demands Action

The Precept

Now, notice the blunt advice in Proverbs 19.27.

It says we must stop listening to bad advice!

How bad is it? Actually, there’s no factual support for the advice. Instead, it’s simply pulled out of the air of flawed personal opinion.

Ok, how do I discern bad advice? Well, it’s bad if it’s false. That is, the advice doesn’t match what’s generally understood to be truthful by a rational person.

More deeply, be discerning enough to consider motives and contexts. Thus, ask yourself how biased is this source?

Apply This Today!

Indeed, change in my life demands action. Hence, be willing to let go of some things.

Discernment walks beside wise counsel, critical thinking, and experiential insight. Therefore, to be discerning, I must be willing to seek out and listen to good advice.

I will improve the quality of my decisions to the extent that I’m deliberate about exercising good judgment.

Finally, a question: Without saying this blog post sounds like your father (or mother or …), how has you’re life changed because of getting sound advice?

If you have a question or comment contact me: larrydaleyoung@gmail.com