Do you know what you value in life? As such, have you taken the time to consider your values? Let’s discuss why that reflection is so important.
What Are My Values?
Now, before we can live our values, we must know what those values are.
Moreover, deliberate reflection carries us to that understanding.
Ok, but why should we bother?
I mean, reflecting on our values is hard work!
Again, why?
Because values are core to who we are as a person, thus to how we function in life.
That functioning includes behaving wisely.
In turn, behaving wisely assumes we are using good judgment.
Therefore, values fuel good judgment, which influences how we behave.
Wisdom that’s grounded in a just character produces good judgment. Proverbs 8.20 paraphrase.
The Precept
In Proverbs 2.4 Solomon encourages us to value life-long learning, hence personal growth.
Growth more so, in fact, than material wealth. The growth-wealth contrast is a critical aspect of knowing wisdom.
Additionally, the treasure we have to share, according to Matthew 13.44, depends on our level of spiritual development.
Consequently, we see a direct parallel between the teaching of Solomon and Christ in regard to what’s of greatest value in life: WHAT we have to share as guided by WHO we are!
Truly, personal transformation is grounded deeply in who we are and what we believe about ourselves.
Wisdom calls us to enter into personal growth. To be teachable. To balance knowing and doing.
Apply This Today!
An Observation: Your values establish the boundaries within which you live. We expect others to honor those boundaries.
Given the significant impact of personal values on your life, it’s important to consider your values.
A Request: This post connects reflection and values. Take some time to consider three values that guide your life decisions.