Wisdom invites us to a life of character transformation and abundance. Let’s define wisdom. Thus, Lesson Two: What is Wisdom?


To answer the “What is Wisdom?” question, let’s look at Proverbs 2.1-6.

Q: From Proverbs 2.1, who is involved in this conversation?

  • To me, this indicates a father-to-son conversation. Given the topics covered in later chapters, most likely this is an adult son.

Q: Why does Solomon ask us in Proverbs 2.2 to apply/incline/concentrate our heart? That is, why heart and not head?

Key Concepts

Here are some key concepts he mentions in these opening verses of Chapter 2.

1). In Proverbs 2.1 he discusses the precepts (“commands”) or fundamental principles.

2). In Proverbs 2.2 he mentions insights (“understanding”) as a component of wisdom.

3). Next, in Proverbs 2.3 he covers sense making (“knowledge/insight”) as a key outcome of knowing wisdom.

4). Finally, in Proverbs 2.4 he discusses the importance of life values.

Q: From Proverbs 2.5, what’s the first thing we discern when we know wisdom?

  • We recognize the importance of reverence. As such, knowing wisdom should bring us into a closer relationship with the Lord.
Verse paraphrase for 1 Kings 6.11-13

What is Wisdom?

We see the definition of wisdom in Proverbs 2.6. See also Proverbs 24.3-4.

Q: Who is the source of this universal wisdom?

  • The Lord, hence God Himself. The assumption is that I acknowledge God’s Lordship over my life.

Q: Also from Proverbs 2.6, what are the two component parts of wisdom?

  • The two components are factual knowledge and experiential insight. In short, wisdom involves our entire self. That is, our rational, logical, reasoning self and our sensing, feeling self.

Wisdom calls us to enter into personal growth. To be teachable. To balance knowing and doing. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Some Takeaways

Knowing wisdom involves deliberate character transformation on my part.

Moreover, absorbing wisdom involves a relationship of Lordship.

One assumption here is that I’m willing to be corrected!

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